MODX Revolution 3.0.4-pl

MODX 3.0.4-pl was released 9 months ago on 2023-10-03.

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  • Fix recently edited resources (sub)query (#16460)
  • Fix ability to view Manager Actions (#16473)
  • Fix PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class modTemplateVarInputRenderText (#16410)
  • S3 Speed Up (#16438)
  • Fix active tab state for FC when disabling regions (#16401)
  • Fix deprecation of dynamic properties (#16440)
  • Fix ability to rename content field (#16444)
  • Add .nvmrc file targeting same build version as github workflow (#16478)
  • Settings grid adjustments for Extras support (#16414)
  • Add missing namespaces partition to cache refresh process (#16431)
  • Avoid deprecated notice in modAccessibleObject::checkPolicy (#16443)
  • Fix return type in GetProcessor->initialize() (#16462)
  • Fix class_key in modDocument constructor (#16452)
  • Harden Security/Profile/Get processor (#16437)
  • Add guard-clause to clearDirty method (#16404)
  • Fix date TV parsing bug when time is hidden (#16398)
  • Populate scriptProperties in Resource\Locks\Steal processor (#16418)
  • Fix undefined global variable $_SESSION in a CLI connector (#16422)
  • Add missing OnUserBeforeRemoveFromGroup and OnUserRemoveFromGroup events (#16423)
  • Use proper alias when not set explicitly in modRestController (#16395)
  • Upgrade legacy modSessionHandler class references in settings (#16379)
  • Modify (un)delete and (un)publish processors to respect syncsite setting (#16374)
  • Update uploadObjectsToContainer method (#16196)
  • Add resource alias in template picker as needed (#16371)
  • Cleanup legacy PHP version references (#16359)
  • Prevent OnResourceDelete from firing on every Resource update (#16328)
  • Fix "Undefined array key" warnings in modPhpThumb (#16341)
  • Fix package manager showing only last version changelog (#16354)
  • Fix tab tracking error in package manager (#16360)
  • Fix tab tracking issue for plugin panel (#16364)
  • Fix parsing modifiers when encountering literal brackets (#16302)
  • Fix parsing long template tags under some conditions (#16316)