- Reduce log_level to WARN on cache errors [#15532]
- Prevent access to sensitive user data [#15678]
- Exclude sensitive config values from placeholders [#15677]
- Flatten nested lexicon parameters by dot notation [#15490]
- Add permissions to enforce access to specific resource types [#15655]
- Restrict static resources to predefined path [#15656]
- Support SameSite attribute in session cookies [#15666]
- Strip base_url only from beginning of relative url [#15418]
- Remove legacy file manager processors [#15646]
- Fix invalid getOption call in modResource->filterPathSegment [#15647]
- Restrict file management to allowed file types [#15643]
- Prevent XSSI access to `MODx.config` by requiring auth token [#15644]
- Add missing password validation characters to lexicon [#15611]
- Update PHPMailer to 6.4.0 [#15618]
- Update xPDO to version 2.8.3-pl
- Remove unnecessary type="text/javascript" [#15570]
- Implement isDirty function in MODx.panel.ImageTV and MODx.panel.FileTV [#15534]
- Improve the lexicon entry for mail_smtp_prefix [#15527]
- Update url in system setting base_help_url [#15571]
- Update Smarty to 3.1.39 [#15566]
- Add mail_smtp_autotls system setting [#15536]
- Fix bug with special chars in directory or file names [#15505]
- Update base_help_url system setting [#15571]
- Improve the processor permission response error message [#15402]
- Change modSessionHandler->gc() to return number of removed sessions [#15393]
- PHP 8 Compatibility [#15335]
- Improve removal of nested MODX tag content in sanitizeRequest [#15367]
- Fix Plugin and Template name validation [#15349]
- Fix missing package signature when uninstalling [#15315]