- Prevent limited manager users from interacting with files in any media source
- Fix assorted stored XSS issues in the manager [#15273]
- Fix XSS in file upload and file tree [#15262]
- Fix display of pagination toolbar [#15246]
- Add check existing file on upload [#15232]
- Update Smarty to 3.1.36 [#15249]
- Prevent potential XXE vulnerability in modRestService [#15238]
- Fix incorrect path setting when uploading files [#15227]
- Add indication of selected file and expand active source in tree [#15228]
- Display caption instead of description in template TV grid [#15231]
- Create dedicated method to get resource preview URL [#14954]
- Fix bug when emptying resource trash [#15171]
- Fix url parameters in config.js processor [#15165]
- Localize anonymous in context interface [#15153]
- Update xPDO to 2.8.1
- Use 0 if id is undefined [#15103]
- Load tree_show_resource_ids permission [#15101]
- Set error message by field name instead of id [#15099]
- Fix typeAhead parameter check [#15069]
- Prevent XSS on template name in TV template access grid [#15142]
- Fix login screen PHP notice [#15140]
- Prevent XSS on Template's name [#15137]
- Prevent path traversal when sending registry message [#15134]
- Fix combocolumn grid refresh [#15122]
- Will add the image format `webp` to the list of allowed `Uploadable File Types` and `Uploadable Image Types` [#15114]
- Add "Allow Blank" setting to URL, RichText, Image & File Template Variables [#15106]
- New lexicon for edit content type [#15095]
- Add numberfield as Field Type option for system settings [#15092]
- Add responsive styles for login screen [#15048]
- Prevent rewrite of .well-known directory used by LetsEncrypt [#15033]
- Allow custom values in Listbox (Multi-Select) TV [#14957]
- Fix DSN creation during an update with an existing port [#15083]
- Update phpThumb 1.7.15 [#15071]
- Clear phpThumb connector properties [#15055]
- Update PHPMailer to 5.2.28 [#15041]
- Fix a Fatal Error when upgrading from MODX Revolution 2.5.x or earlier [#15053]
- Improve the error handling and showing invalid fields when creating/editing resources or elements [#14743, #15116, #15088]
- Prevent error when creating a new folder in media source root [#15263]
- Add "Update User Group" button to Access Control Lists > User Groups & Users for easier navigation [#15270]