MODX Revolution 2.7.0-pl
MODX 2.7.0-pl was released 5 years ago on 2018-11-27.
- Add recursive method to replace reserved characters [#14156]
- Update phpThumb to 1.7.15-201810050741 [#14155]
- Fixed error log line wrapping problem [#13966]
- Fixed call to a member function deprecated() of null [#14139]
- Deprecate 0.9.x parser migration utilities for removal in 3.0 [#14131]
- Add some deprecated logging [#14136]
- Validate the ID target for symlinks and weblinks [#14041]
- Add native PHP password hashing [#13926]
- Enable automatic static elements workflow [#14135]
- Fix and normalize combo-boolean tv option values [#14129]
- Allow a middle mouse click to open links in a new tab/window [#14061]
- Fixing getlist processors for combos that have a page size [#14116]
- Improved messages on plugin editor page [#14128]
- Add "OnBeforeRegisterClientScripts" event [#14123]
- Trash manager [#14058]
- Implemented quick create buttons on tree nodes for documents [#13774]
- Copy file/folder path to clipboard [#14078]
- Add method for logging deprecated method usage [#14217]
- Fixing user combo with preselected user ids [#14113]
- Restore the setup options window title, if two packages are installed with setup options [#14120]
- On PHP 5.4+, clone the modSystemEvent object so values can be transmitted between plugins [#13116]
- Make path for custom MODX error handler class configurable [#14119]
- Resolve issue with package update window when clicked multiple times [#13985]
- Update Smarty to 3.1.33 [#14126]
- Fixed the name of system setting about allowing or not eval in TV [#14124]
- Hide Input Option Values for TV types where irrelevant [#14040]
- Improve display of double-height dashboard widget [#14117]
- Fix for the password length error message during setup [#14112]
- Apply containerOptions correctly when creating database during installation [#14069]
- Use max_input_nesting_level for max depth argument in modX::sanitize [#14098]
- Pass missing signature to lexicon when package uninstall fails [#14066]
- Prevent double-click resulting in blank page from media browser [#14076]
- Clear system/phpthumb connector properties to prevent unnecessary warnings [#14096]
- Constrain MODx.Window to browser's viewable area by default [#14090]
- Delete files in media browser with '&' in the file name [#14054]
- Prevent invalid relative media source path from revealing root path contents [#14038]
- Prevent an infinite loop in sendErrorPage() [#14108]
- Got rid of bower from theme build process [#14091]
- Set the min-height of a x-combo-list-item when it is empty (no text) [#14092]
- Fixed manager header height on resize [#14083]
- Improved performance and requests timing by changing the counting of children via subqueries [#14065]
- Improved the isBinary checks in modFileHandler class [#14027]
- Fixing images escaping their container in media browser [#14052]
- New RewriteRule to hide dot directories from the public access. [#13930]
- New system setting with default media source type value [#14012]
- Fixed handling $depth variable during recursive calls in getTree method [#14002]
- Prevent header overriding in included template of error unavailable [#13986]
- Add ability to see all elements under tree nodes for Categories [#13997]
- Correct display of policy permissions in access control grids [#13994]
- Make the resource class a little closer to SOLID principles [#13877]
- Smart detecting of used plugins for expanding rows in grids [#13992]
- Login forgotten password improvements [#13987]
- Enhancement for dashboard jumping around on page load [#14032]
- Set the caption for node elements inside categories [#14029]
- Make policies in grid sortable by enabled/disabled mark [#14004]
- Remove non-functional cache_disabled system setting [#14022]
- Reduce log level to WARN when calling non-cacheable tags inside cacheable ones [#14017]
- Remove cache_system_settings from system settings [#13832]
- Prevent directory traversal and limit files deleted when clearing modFileRegister [#13980]
- Filtering user parameters before passing them into phpthumb class #13979
- Update phpThumb to 1.7.15-201806071234 #13938
- Require minimal PHP version (in composer.json) #13939
- Prefer ampersand replacement of the the translit class [#13931]
- Add iconv_ascii transliteration [#13932]
- Add set_sudo permission [#13807]
- Log setlocale errors [#13878]
- Various improvements regarding password generation and validation [#13923]
- Make error.log location customizable [#13768]
- Add system setting for partial resource cache clearing feature [#13588]
- Prevent line-wrap in error log [#13843]
- Add template icon for resources in search results in the uberbar [#13882]
- Remove duplicate code of password generator and fix an issue with the empty value of password_generated_length setting [#13909]
- Add ID number to manager pages (resources and elements) [#13914]
- Add option to supply waitMsg on submit in MODX windows [#13915]
- Show validation errors when setting a new user password [#13585]
- Add CLI install script for use with composer create-project [#13790]
- Allow extension packages to have an empty table_prefix [#13716]
- Add wildcard support to form customization actions [#13775]
- Make HTTPS server check accept any non-empty value [#13794]
- Add ability to search by id on all objects in manager search [#13804]
- Add automatic_template_assignment feature [#13700]
- Media Browser optimizations [#13805]
- Add "Purge Old Versions" button to the package version listing to clean up old versions [#12818]
- New resource option "Use current alias in alias path" to allow hiding resources from the URI [#11153]
- Make $modx->setDebug support E_LEVEL constants (e.g. E_NOTICE/E_ERROR) and fix setting debug to 1 not working [#12579]
- Use stricter check for string type in resource tree to avoid uncaught error in edge cases [#13262]
- Allow plugins OnDocFormRender to set templates with $resource->set('template', 3) [#13049]
- Add "filterPathSegment" output filter to turn a string into url-safe string [#13699]
- Make sure requests to containers without the container suffix are redirected to the right url with container suffix [#13142]
- Ignore spaces in allowedExtensions properties and relevant system settings to ensure the right file types show up [#13702]
- Add list of recent manager log entries to the Resource Overview page [#13734]
- Prevent notices for undefined Smarty placeholders [#13748]
- Remove some unused images [#13788]
- Fix incorrect hex colors in TV input options description [#13776]
- Change modResource.description column to text [#13802]
- Fix modDbRegister->clear and use fully qualified name [#12965]