- Fixed issue with S3 buckets containing dots
- Fixes issue with Form Customizations containing multiple constraints on TVs
- Single-Select TVs now retain custom values in the dropdown select options
- Fixed birthdate on 1970/01/01 resulting in false
- Restores horizontal scrolling to the Resource tree [#11949]
- Language simplification for context menu items
- Fixed property set creation which allowed empty 'name'
- Fix for arrow that pointed wrong way in collapse areas
- Fixed rendering TVs to modx-resource-content by Manager customizations
- Fix default category name when creating a new element instead of showing 0
- Fix store load if init combobox value is 0
- Display context name in combo box
- Fixed elements search results icons
- Removed listeners/actions on Media browser data view double click
- Added visual indication in elements trees when an element is edited (active class)
- Removed unused code in Resource Tree Panel
- Enable path style on AWS driver if the bucket's name contains a dot
- More use of 'manager_date_format' in the manager
- Use FontAwesome checkbox icons instead of sprite images
- Made MODx.combo.Browser Media Source defaulting to the defined default Media source instead of hard coded id "1"
- Replace security/forms/set/export processor with a class based one and fix
- Fixed issue where batch removing access policies was only allowed for "core" policies (instead of preventing deletion for core policies)
- Updated alias length to 255 in ExtJS
- Fix superbox selects in toolbars
- Prevent combobox lists being taller than the screen, mainly from windows
- Fix MODx.Ajax.request ot handle multiple concurrent requests
- Fix loading default manager controller without changing the manager theme when the manager theme does not include the requested controller
- Fix encoded htmlspecialchars in resource overview > cache output tab
- Fix creation of folders in S3 media source root
- Disable keyboard shortcut to focus the search bar
- Updated "far" parameter to "C" (to provide correct thumbnails aspect ratio) in modfilemediasource
- When using resource_tree_node_tooltip system setting, make sure the given field is not empty before displaying the quick tip
- Updated welcome url for 2.3
- User / User Group Settings update and delete fix
- Fixed modx_user_group_settings table on SQLServer
- Make sure modContext config is "prepared" before using makeUrl()
- Have [[++server_port]] report the port number
- Consider dev version lower than alpha
- Handles "site preview" when default_context is not "web" context or when manager is on its own (sub)domain
- Fixes missing Permissions tabs for anonymous User Group
- Updated modPHPMailer to use getService instead of creating new instance of modError
- Refresh context's name in tree after changing it
- Use modx_browser_default_sort setting for sorting in RTE browser
- Fix front-end user group comparison bug when assigning new user groups [#11399]
- Prevent XSS via GET param for manager controller action [#11966]
- Fix CRC icons in tree
- Refresh/expand appropriate tree node when creating a resource using "quick create"
- Limit property set name/description length
- Added ability to update a namespace within a window
- Use lexicon strings instead of hard coded ones in manager login form
- Display an error when updating a user from grid with duplicate email address
- Create new instance of console on every action with package manager
- Reset addresses list on failure send
- Fixed superboxselect close button in Safari
- Fixed typo forcing empty calls to modError::addError() for all sent emails
- Fixed issue with tree node "jump" on expand/collapse
- Added some client side validation when creating a new user group
- Fixed mimetype issue on s3 Media Source
- Do not display setting modification date if no modification has been done [#11762]
- Moved user groups access tabs within a single permissions tab [#11769]
- Make use of FontAwesome for files icons [#11851]
- Fixed issue where required field was not highlighted [#11826]
- Updated NodeJS dependencies [#11827]
- Removed limit on Media Sources in the tree panel [#11834]
- File and directory sorting improvements, more natural and consistent [#10286]
- Accessibility improvements for new checkbox / radios [#11772]