- Respect automatic_alias regardless of friendly_urls
- Prevent use of GET vars in login controller/processor
- Restrict returnUrl in login processor to url of login context
- Added drag/drop reordering of template variables on the templates TV grid [#11560]
- Added ability to use conditional custom output modifiers [#11610]
- Updated MagpieRSS Snoopy to 2.0.0
- Add strftime as alias for date output filter [#11550]
- Validate and sanitize _ctx placeholder used by ResourceManagerController
- Fixed incorrect sorting by rank in TV grid on template create/update screen
- Remove references to deprecated modX::getMicroTime()
- Fix parent ResourceGroup inheritance on create
- Preserve order of selected values in multiselect
- Updated PHPMailer to v5.2.8
- Updated phpThumb to 1.7.12-pre (current GitHub status)
- Added resource_tree_node_name_fallback system setting
- [#11297] Allow passing options to modRestCurlClient
- Ease reuse of media sources panel
- [#9245] Fix context menu position on custom resources that define a certain menu
- Added OnResourceAutoPublish system event
- Fix incorrect sorting by rank in TV grid on template create/update screen
- Fixed Categories with a sub-category would always be shown in an Element's tree even if it didn't contain any elements of that type
- Fix media source directive in TV when accessed from another context
- List only user related resources in recently edited resources widget
- Fixed colors/states not changing on subsequent database connection attempts in installer
- Make ddGroups unique for resource, element and file tree
- Fixed collapsing tree after quick creating an element
- Add back Legacy modX.getFullTableName() method
- Make OnFileManagerBeforeUpload event selectable
- Added ability to define a default package provider via default_provider setting
- Return nothing when toPlaceholder output filter is used
- Added replace closing php tag for inline php dashboard widget
- Fix to tv,chunk,snippet name validator per scottboryses observation
- New manager theme
- Move fax field near other telephone related fields
- Option to disable CSS/JS compression during setup
- Changed extension of JSON content type from .js to .json
- Added modResource.isMember and modResource.getResourceGroupNames methods
- Replaced uploaddialog with more modern multiuploaddialog
- Added Other gender
- Fixed events called in modResourceGroupCreateProcessor
- Added dedicated page with media manager
- Add icon/markup to modMenu items, allow new entries for topmenu and usermenu
- An instance of modError added to modMail
- Make sure connector responses return application/json content type
- Removed hard coded "index.php" in manager assets
- Preselect media source in static elements browser
- Added ability to refresh a media source (tree)
- Prevent duplication in context root if new_document_in_root != true
- Sanitize filename when editing a file
- Adds validateOldPassword flag to optionally skip passwordMatches() call
- Make preview possible if session_enabled = 0
- Improved widget of active users
- Calling modUser->joinGroup sets rank to count(UserGroupMembers) instead of to 0
- Call getNodesFormatted with parent property in modResourceSortProcessor
- Hide back button during installation
- Fixed regex for element names
- Added system settings to change default action
- Check for "theme_path/js/layout.js" before trying to load it
- Clean modx->user on context init
- Added shift modifier to tree click, that will open resource in a new window
- Removing duplicate windows
- Updated context setting's update window to appear as a create window
- Load setting topic to allow 3PC components to use it for system setting translations
- Allow filtering of namespace by request on lexicon page
- Add proper validation for modSession id
- Updated phpmailer class to 5.2.7
- Fallback http_host to prevent cache issues under HTTP/1.0
- Added ctx option to isloggedin/isnotloggedin output filters
- Ensure opcache.revalidate_freq is set to 0 during setup
- Clear menus cache on actions with menu
- [#11123] Added "success":true to modProcessor response
- [#11182] Fix issue where grid stores loaded only 20 records by default when pagination were disabled
- [#828] handlePreview is called only if the deleted value changed
- Update xPDO for additional SQL injection protection
- [#11186][#11176][#9880][#2896][#5850] Disabled dirty check on save button in Resource's panel
- Validate context key provided to modX::initialize()
- [#11170] Added pdf to content type
- [#675] Add upload functionality directly to package manager grid
- [#703] Added OnElementNotFound system event
- [#11149] Make sure hitting the close button does not trigger double prevent navigation warnings
- Add refreshURIs call as part of clearing the site cache
- Update parent field in Resource panel after drag and drop current resource
- Check if template exissts before using it's icon in getNodes processor
- Prevent content duplication when using [css|js|html]To[Head|Bottom]
- [#11099] Removed C:\fakepath\ from filename during uploads
- Fix path issue with phpthumb after 1.7.11-beta update
- Prevent redirect of base_url when query string exists
- Enable Template-based icons in Resource tree
- Increase message_limit for ExtJS HttpStateProvider
- Fix lexicon getList processor
- Improve Confirm Navigation feature and make configurable
- Confirm navigation when unsaved changes exist in resource panel
- Fix deprecated returnValue to prevent confirm navigation alert
- Fix xPDO->parseBindings bug triggering modDbRegisterMessage errors
- Prevent processor property overwriting in modX::runProcessor()
- Add open in new window action to middle mouse button click in trees
- Preserve value types in modSystemEvent::output()
- Prevent removal of user groups after validation fails
- Remove extra dot in filename for Content Disposition attachment
- Fix unescaped backslash in file and image TV
- Remove cache clearing logic from system setting model
- Update phpthumb to 1.7.11-beta to close security vulnerability
- Add options and context filtering to modX::getTree()
- Auto-resize modal window height to fit browser height
- Add modSoftRemoveProcessor for marking records deleted
- Ensure property not set when creating new property in Property Set
- Implement auto-save on Content Types grid
- Support PHP use statements in Snippets and Plugins
- Add in/inarray conditional output filter
- Add preg_quote to friendly_alias_word_delimiters characters
- Do not prepend base_url when baseUrlRelative in modFileMediaSource
- Add filterPathSegment() methods to modX and modResource
- Remove check for children on Categories in Elements Tree
- Allow Categories to have same name with different parents
- Add case-insensitive contains/containsnot conditional output filters
- Add modResource::clearCache() to clear cache for single Resource
- Remove all dependency on mysql extension (deprecated in PHP >= 5.5)
- Add extended field support and more to userinfo filter
- [#9484] Add UserGroup Settings
- [#10135] Fix output from multiple plugins OnSiteSettingsRender
- Make path param optional in modFileMediaSource::getBases()
- Clear register before calling clear cache
- Add clear flag to modRequest::registerLogging()
- Add modRegister::clear() method
- Show custom xPDO class names in Manager Log
- Fix context setting overrides in modX::_initContext()
- Fix MODx.Console.onComplete when provider not set
- Fix notice when resource not set in modX::sendForward()
- [#9841] Add access to resource OnLoadWebPageCache
- [#9072] Set upload_maxsize to php upload_max_filesize value on install
- [#10146] Add embedded image support to modMail
- [#9133] Fix various issues with Number TV
- Fix visibility of Quick Edit independent of allowChildrenResources
- [#8453] Add several File Management system events
- [#7866] Add columns option to Checkbox TV
- Add OnMODXInit event in modX::initialize()
- Add name field to Contexts
- Add preserve menuindex/alias options to Duplicate Context
- Allow Namespace-based loading of custom TV files
- Deprecate usage of modAction objects in favor of modNamespace base controller path