- [#9178] Use PHP time for valid check in modDbRegisterMessage::getValidMessages()
- [#9165] Fix modError::hasError false positives when loaded via getService
- [#9029] Remove modRequest->loadErrorHandler dependency in runProcessor
- [#9156] Fix reload data for rendering multi-value TV types properly
- [#7916] Fix Area functionality in Element Properties and Property Sets
- [#9097] Fix leftbar tree toolbar resizing issues
- Image optimization applied across distribution
- [#9006] Fix ImageMagick which convert issue (PHP 5.3.2+)
- [#9069] Remove math output filter
- [#9080] Fix modX::stripTags() bug allowing script execution vulnerability
- [#9007] Prevent MODx.Browser closing window when manager loaded in a new tab
- [#8928] Error saving Resource with access-restricted TemplateVars
- [#8978] Fix issue where change template was not fired due to onsave check overriding listener
- [#9026] Prevent new Content Types from having binary checked