- Override modAccess->getOne for Principal aggregate
- Add GroupPrincpal/UserPrincipal aggregates to modAccess
- [#7387] Add New Category button to Element tree toolbar
- [#7518] Fix issue that prevented absolute URLs in media-source bound TVs
- [#7521] Allow filtering of usergroup by request on users page
- Add assets_path field to modNamespace
- [#7447] Change default root node name of Files tab to "Media" to prevent confusion when a non-default source is selected
- Drop no-longer used, deprecated modAction.parent field
- [#7503] Change Duplicate Values text to Duplicate Resource Values to clear up intended behavior
- [#7499] Fix DOM ID issues with Quick Update when multiple windows are loaded
- [#7500] Make consistent positioning of published checkbox in quick update and normal edit page
- [#7491] Prevent Media Source dropdown from showing in MODx.Browser when loaded from a TV
- [#6894] Move Import button on Access Policy and Access Policy Template grids to top toolbar
- [#7391] Fix UI error causing resource group checkboxes on TV edit page to not render correctly
- [#7481] Fix issue with reloading resource when changing templates and the context alias cache
- Add "sudo" user attribute, which bypasses access permissions for said user; upgrade to 2.2.1 makes Super Users in Administrator group sudo users
- [#7445] Fix issues with TVs not respecting Resource Groups limiting access
- [#7446] Added extra checks to protect against parse errors with :then and :else output filters
- [#7455] Fallback to TV name if caption not found when displaying TV inputs
- [#7456] Fix for minify not modified status in fastcgi environments
- [#6931] Workaround for template changing issue on servers that have misconfigured date_timzeone setting
- [#6687] Fix duplicated OK buttons in MODx.Console in certain situations
- [#6501] Fix SuperBoxSelect selections spanning multiple rows
- [#6496] Fix quick edit modal windows for elements on smaller screens.
- [#6864] Fix rare issue where primary group is not set for user, and custom dashboard for their group does not propagate
- [#7011] Prevent infinite recursion error in modElement::isStaticSourceMutable
- [#7333] Prevent error when id is undefined in resource edit controller
- [#7364] Add setting to set default sort field of MODx.Browser view
- [#7363] Check for this.stateful in MODx.tree.Tree::_saveState
- Add missing index to modSession.access
- [#7357] Prevent viewing of Profile if user does not have change_profile permission
- [#7322] Fix issue where certain regions were not able to be hid via FC; clarified FC set labels
- [#7362] Fix issue with conflicting FC Sets when User belongs to more than one User Group with a Set
- Update to xPDO 2.2.3-pl
- Prevent fatal error if invalid class_key is passed to Resource edit/create page
- [#7052] Prevent username/host/dbname from being set as a system setting placeholder
- [#3860] Fix session issue with modUser joinGroup/leaveGroup methods
- [#7315] Standardize default sorting for User Group access grids
- Fixed ellipsis filter to not cut off html tags in property
- [#7326] Fix inability to unset a TV's Input Option Values field
- [#7306] Sanity check for reload data for resource groups when changing template of new resource
- [#7279] Handle edge case where processor classes might already be loaded with CRCs causing issues with runProcessor
- Add dashboard name to dashboard title
- [#3818] Add UI/processing to set response code for weblinks
- [#7061] Prevent Static Element access to the core/config/ directory
- [#7088] Tweak column widths for settings grids
- [#7102] Improve memory_limit checks to properly check for values that are not formatted to PHP standards
- [#7191] Fix invalid api doc link in link_tag_scheme description
- [#7194] Fix issue where save button did not enable when reordering groups on user edit screen
- [#3818] Change modWebLink default responseCode to 301
- [#6611] Fix issue where MODx.Browser did not sort files by name by default
- [#7070] Do not overwrite user changes in default media sources during upgrade process
- [#7066] Allow search locally in Package Management if cURL is not installed
- [#7063] Fix issue with retreiving Element Media Source cache data
- [#7036] Fix issue with multiple grid store loading when searching
- Allow for non-PHP Dashboard File Widgets that are just HTML files
- [#6711] Fix issue with using MODx.Browser with file nodes and clicking loading edit page
- [#6936] Add sanity check for database tables getlist processor if user did not grant SHOW TABLES permissions for sql
- [#6942] Add missing resource duplicate ACL permission description lexicon string
- [#6970] Reload error log page after clearing too large error log file
- [#6956] Fix wrong groupname for OnMediaSourceDuplicate plugin event
- [#7013] Fix issue where modUser->getUserGroupNames was buggy with non-self users
- [#6960] Fix rendering issue when tree_root_id is set
- [#7031] Ensure setting from addr in modMail sets return-path as well
- [#7010] Add in rootId config option for MODx.Browser mgr widget
- [#6874] Fix issue where duplicating a TV did not copy Media Source relationships correctly
- [#6582] Fix clear cache checkbox persistence in Resource page when reloading via Template change
- Add modX::getInstance() factory method
- Allow for MODX tags within Media Source properties
- [#5410] Add lock_ttl to System Settings for controlling ttl for resource locks
- [#6575] Ensure that downloads of packages work behind proxies if allow_url_fopen is on
- [#4879] Add language selector to login page
- [#6826] Add activate/deactivate to context menu for Plugins in tree
- [#6509] Fix minify issue in windows environments due to doc root pathing
- Fix CSS for active tabs in mgr in IE
- Prevent ENTER key from firing save in textareas in various modals
- [#6712] Fix issue with Resource Group tree being limited to 10 groups
- Bypass modSystemSetting->clearCache() when OPT_SETUP is true
- Allow display of custom messages from form processors
- Fix issue with extra slashes in URIs
- Add ability to reload permissions for all authenticated users
- [#6651] Add properties field and API methods for modResource
- [#6613] Ensure page redirects if removing Element via tree that is currently being edited
- [#6608] Fix search text in package management when doing empty search
- [#6633] Ensure change password fieldset checkbox toggles dirty status for user form
- [#6567] Fix Suhosin check to disable compress_js setting
- [#6587] Fix issue with combobox rendering in editable grids by providing combocolumn xtype for proper data rendering
- [#6583] Fix duplicate upload_files values
- Prevent editing and deleting of core standard Roles