- [#6019] Configure log_level, log_target, and debug via Settings
- [#4798] Resource create/edit: Template can be switched without saving
- Update to xPDO 2.2.0-pl
- [#6039] Fix issue where Resources could be improperly dropped into the right tree in the Resource Groups screen
- [#5715] Fix issue with resetting of header in Element panels
- [#6025] Fix issue with renaming checkbox fields via Form Customization
- [#5697] Fix issue with allow_multiple_emails in user creation
- [#121] Add option for Elements to pre-process default property/property set values
- [#6017],[#2774] Add more Permissions to Administrator policy for managing security functions
- [#5064] Fix issue where access_permissions Permission was required for creating new users
- Improve Package Management UI
- Add modManagerController::addLexiconTopic for easier adding of lexicon topics dynamically within mgr controllers and dashboard widgets
- [#6009] Add ability to hide left-hand trees when rendering a Dashboard
- [#6007] Stop upgrade from overwriting session_cookie_path system setting
- [#5998] Add "Create File" option for stream-based media sources
- [#4794] Add custom Permissions for restricting creation of core derivative Resource Types
- [#4958] Add Resource ID to node of Resource in Resource Groups tree
- [#5434] Change manager page title to use site_name as prefix instead of MODX
- [#4875] Add ability to download file from Files tree
- [#5997] Fix issue where in advanced installs with moved web path, assets directory is improperly created
- [#5990] Fix issue where content types were not listable in Resource dropdowns
- [#232] Enable option to render target URL for WebLinks
- [#5963] Fix issue with Static Elements and their Source being None
- [#5936] Fix issue where Quick Update Resource was too high on smaller screens
- Fix issue with phpThumb and zoom crop
- [#5983] Fix adding/updating a provider window duplicating "username" field.[#5948] Ensure that menu item for Change Profile is added on build
- [#5985] Fix updating a provider not showing username
- [#5978] [ReUp] [#5978] Fix missing fields/tabs in actions XML causing issues with form customization on resource/create
- [#5938] Optimize modResource->getTVValue() using parser source cache when available
- [#5973] Prevent empty user groups being loaded for anonymous users
- [#5962] Fix phptype in modContextResource.resource field definition
- [#5050], [#5366], [#5781] Various xPDO Database Caching Fixes (xPDO 2.2.0-rc2)
- [#4830] Prevent removal of Content Types that are in use
- [#5293] Prevent drag/drop from Resource Group tree to Resource tree in Resource Group page
- [#4433] Validate paths in setup for trailing slash
- [#564], [#4506] Make Workspace path portable by allowing path setting replacements
- [#5086] Fix issues with Package Management when open_basedir is in effect
- [#4947] Adjust ensuring of admin access to context to only needed policies
- [#5078] Have default resource field context settings, such as default_template, respected in Quick create
- [#5909] Allow blank extensions in Add Content Type window
- [#5931] Fix code that prevents easy renaming of assets directory with package management
- [#5841] Properly color active state for tabs in mgr ui
- [#3287] Fix issue with dob User field in editing panel in mgr
- [#5060], [#5043] Fix issue with openTo and TVs for MODx.Browser
- [#3396] Allow MODX_API_MODE in mgr context
- [#4230] Add ODF and OOXML to default uploadable file types setting
- [#5315] Use automatic_alias behavior when updating site_start regardless of setting
- [#3535] Fix issue with tree_default_sort not being respected on the resource tree
- [#5892] Add for default_media_source setting for specifying the default media source for a site
- [#5896] Make console window always closable
- [#5757] Allow text in grids to be selectable
- [#5471] Add publishing options to Duplicate Resource window
- [#5879] Ensure html tags are stripped on titles in the Resource edit view
- [#5855] Ensure if no parents are specified, resourcelist input option works as expected
- [#5852] Fix issue where input options are wiped on quick update TV
- Add showNone option to source/getlist processor
- [#5619] Enable modElements to store content in external files
- [#5856] Implement ability for derivative Resource types to have their own translatable name
- [#4726] Implement server-side state provider for modExt to fix size problems with cookies
- [#5860] Fix FC SQL error when user is in no groups
- [#5843] Add required asterisk to required Element fields
- [#5723] Add Media Source tab to User Group Access screen
- Change "Cancel" references to "Close" for clarity
- [#4566] Fix online users manager dashboard widget grid
- [#5809] Change "Remove" to "Delete" where appropriate to clarify language
- Refactor processors to be class-based
- [#90] 301 Redirect id method requests when request_method_strict is not enabled
- [#90], [#5676] Improvements to strict routing with friendly_urls
- [#5323] Add system events for moving Resources in and out of Resource Groups
- [#4610] Add locale system setting for setting locale in MODX
- Add HTML5 local caching as a toggleable option for manager ui
- [#5788] Fix content not output to browser until after shutdown function
- [#5777] Fix validation of TV names against Resource field names
- Add ability to install and upgrade MODX from command line
- [#5745] Ensure all core passwords are not transmitted through MODx.config JS array
- [#4304] Add default_content_type Setting for setting the default Content Type for Resources
- [#2735] Ensure menu permissions are checked for mgr action if action has menu associated
- [#4606] Clarify connectors language in setup
- [#5561] Add search toolbar to packages grid
- [#5587] Fix issue with dashboard widgets and caching
- [#5453] Add ability to disable forgot password on manager login screen
- Add batch remove to Namespaces grid
- [#5671] Add :toPlaceholder, :cssToHead, :htmlToHead, :htmlToBottom, :jsToHead, :jsToBottom output filters
- Add delete user button to user editing page toolbar
- [#5542] Add ability to drag/drop files and folders in the Files tab
- [#5665] Remove console.log debug references in JS
- Add Media Sources, which allow abstraction of file management in MODX
- [#2737] Centralize logic for changing Context of modResource Children
- [#5068] Move token check for new resources below error validation in processor to prevent bogus duplicate resource issue
- [#4945] Remove weblink content maxlength restriction
- [#5270] Enable container drag 'n drop in Extended Fields tree
- [#4790] Add support for comment tag token, e.g. [[- comments here]]
- [#5539] Add back in compress_css/js for allowing toggling of js/css compression in manager
- [#5556] Enable connection pooling with master/slave support
- [#5499] Ensure modFile create returns boolean
- [#5501] Add sanity checks on FC rules renameTab and hideField
- [#5505] Fix issue with dropdowns in Fx5
- Enable modTag elements to accept property sets
- Enable modElement->getPropertySet() to merge @propertyset in name with property set specified in setName parameter
- Allow modParser->getElement() method to accept @propertySet in name parameter
- Prevent modParser->parsePropertyString() from trimming all backticks at beginning and end of string
- Improve parser efficiency by returning results of nested tags if elementOutput is null|false
- [#5392] Fix bug where policy template descriptions were not translated
- [#5377] Fix modParser->isProcessingTag() bug preventing filtering on placeholder tags
- Pass content by reference to OnParseDocument event
- Add message_key and json message_format option to system/registry/register/send processor
- Allow raw messages to be returned from system/registry/register/read processor
- Add include_keys option to modRegister implementations
- [#5336] Prefix non-core actions in the MODx.action JS object with their namespace
- Avoid setting description to null in element/propertyset/create processor
- Improve modX->logManagerAction to avoid attempts to insert NULL values
- Accept null options in modHashing->__construct()
- [#4607], [#3463] Add rank field for contexts to allow custom sorting in tree, fix issues with context/resource dragging and dropping and ensure context name validation rules are consistent
- Improve UI of User's groups to allow for assigning ranks to User Groups for a User
- Add Custom Dashboards and Dashboard Widgets
- [#4871] Fix Access Permissions not being copied when duplicating a context
- [#4382] Forgot Manager Password now lookups using username to prevent issues when the 'allow_multiple_emails' system setting is enabled
- Fix rendering of combo boxes in element properties
- Add ability to select Primary User Group for User
- [#4637] Fix RTE checkbox not saving correctly when using Quick Create Resource
- [#5268] Add search toolbar for Resource tree
- [#4080] Add Content Type and Content Disposition to Quick Create/Update Resource
- [#5250] Add check for cURL in Package Management
- [#5204] Add search by parent to mgr search page
- Added much better handling for custom resource classes; deprecated custom_resource_classes setting
- [#4601] Ensure children of protected Resources inherit by default their parent's Resource Groups in create UI
- [#4016] Update description text in grid when adding/updating element properties without need for page reload
- [#2860] Fix 'Sent On' date when viewing an expanded message
- [#4984] Ensure tree highlighting of currently edited resource/element/file works consistently
- [#2638] When updating an element's category, ensure old treenode is removed
- [#5139] Fix issues with MODx.Browser and file/image TVs in other contexts
- [#4958] Add IDs to Resource Groups in RG tree
- Add ability to rename Resource Groups
- [#5185] Improve core package already extracted validation for upgrades
- Update xPDO and regenerate schema to get new maps of derivative classes
- [#5195] Change TV value fields from TEXT to MEDIUMTEXT (mysql)
- [#5141] Add ability to override specific controllers/templates in a custom manager theme w/ fallback to default
- Add modResource::getControllerPath method for better abstraction of derivative resource types
- Add show_in_tree and hide_children_in_tree fields to modResource for better support with custom Resource types
- Abstract all manager controllers to classes to improve usability, testing and creation of controllers