- [#6559] Fix issue with save btn on resources not enabling after template change
- Better handling of dynamic lexicon topic adding and deprecated manager controllers
- [#5905] Refactor new package versions to run ACTION_UPGRADE
- [#6120] Improve static element behavior with immutable sources
- [#6551] Fix issue where ID instead of name of Template showed on resource combo
- [#6509] Fix minify issue when DOCUMENT_ROOT is a symlink
- [#6546] Reposition setting grid filter dropdowns to clarify behavior
- [#4146] Fix issue where Content Types were always binary when created
- [#6470] Fix issue where Media Sources could not be protected due to missing reference in principal_targets setting
- [#6520] Fix issue with Quick Create Resource and default settings
- [#6510] Fix minify issue with virtual dirs inside the document root
- [#5229] Fix issue where changing parent did not reload Resource edit page
- [#6513] Better handling for large error.log files in mgr
- [#6519] Ensure JS config gets working context config
- [#6507] Add missing Media Source plugin events
- [#6505] Remove htmlentities on date output filter
- Allow PDO driver options to be defined in MODX config
- [#6383] Add index.php to minify paths in mgr templates