- [#3472] Fix issue due to tree impr that prevented element saving success response
- Improve loading of mgr pages by preventing trees from rendering until activated
- [#3205] FC fixes: Ensure Resource Content field can have values set/renamed, that rules on create respect template, and that default values on create are set
- [#3165] Fix issue where resource/updatefromgrid processor was missing published value if user does not have publish permission
- [#2] Fix issue in user extended fields where subkeys in 2 separate containers DOM IDs conflict and prevent editing
- [#3422], [#3374], [#3197] Fix issue with filemanager_url and Image/File TVs and their relative end result URLs
- [#3201], [#177] Add modResource.leaveGroup, modTemplate.hasTemplateVar, modTemplateVar.hasTemplate
- [#3350] Fix for PHP bug:
- [#3326] Fix issue where TV radio/cb options with value of 0 couldnt be selected
- [#3329] Fix edit and cancel buttons on view resource page
- [#3329] Clarify Preview link on Resource action toolbar to be more correct "View"
- [#3347] Fix issue where renaming a file broke the browsing of directory tree
- Fix issue where FC tvDefault rules, regardless of active state, are always run
- Introduce pdo_sqlsrv support
- Add database_dsn to config
- Update xPDO to release 2.1.0-pl