MODX Revolution 2.0.4-pl

MODX 2.0.4-pl was released 13 years ago on 2010-10-14.

Downloads Changelog


  • Fixed issue where redirect was not working after creating new derivative resource
  • [#2485] Fixed issue where placeholder was in duplicated Access Policy
  • [#2492] Fixed reference in menu to
  • [#2486] Removed hardcoded language reference in lexicon load in access permissions getList processor
  • [#126] Ensured clearing of cache when deleting a Template Variable
  • Fixed issue where cancel button did not work on Resources after save
  • Fixed issue with URL TV Output Render and empty input values
  • Fixed issues with checkboxes/radios in TVs and widths when hidden
  • Fixed various issues with thumbnails in MODx.Browser and return paths in separate contexts
  • Added toggle setting for drag/drop in Resource and Element trees
  • [#MODX-2346] Allow login/logout processors to handle multiple contexts
  • [#MODX-2405] Fixed issue with border on portal panels in mgr home screen
  • Fixed issue with TV output render that stripped whitespace in delimiter
  • Fixed hanging save issue that occurred when HTML was in pagetitle/longtitle in a Resource
  • Fixed issue where TV values were being erased when a TV was hidden via Form Customization
  • Updated reference to help in Form Customization page
  • Fixed trivial issues with widths in richtext tvs
  • [#MODX-2415] Added fix to prevent adding of orm tree attributes with the same key on the same level
  • Added resourcelist TV input type for easier listing of resources in a tv input
  • Updated ExtJS to 3.3.0
  • [#MODX-2378] Fixed issue where action toolbar was on left in IE7
  • [#MODX-2408] Fixed issue where sorting was not available for description field on search page
  • Fixed issue where modx->resource was not available to TV input option values or default values in mgr
  • [#MODX-2410] Fixed issue with urlencoded context key on context edit page
  • [#MODX-2407] Fixed issue where user settings were not respected in connectors in mgr
  • [#MODX-2279] Fix bad AJAX response if database does not exist or can't be created during setup
  • [#MODX-2404] Fixed issue with auto_menuindex and multiple contexts
  • [#MODX-2354] Fixed issue with image TV loading incorrect URL in thumbnail preview on initial load
  • [#MODX-2357] Properly addressed issue where FC hideTab rule was causing hidden tabs to show if they were active at load
  • Refactor modAccessibleObject to centralize load policy check in _loadInstance()
  • Update xPDO for several critical bug fixes
  • [#MODX-2402] In Package Browser, Most Popular/Recently Added package names are now links to auto-search in grid
  • [#MODX-2397] Added filtering and search to FC rule grid
  • [#MODX-2401] Adjusted JS version postfix code to not adjust .php (or non-js) files used as script src targets
  • Improved context menus on FC rule grid to allow for batch actions on selected items
  • Added `for_parent` field to FC rules, to allow for more fine-grained control of rule applications
  • [#MODX-2385] Fixed issue when Context ACL is using no policy that prevented grid loading
  • [#MODX-2380] Fixed issue with upgrades and rb_base_dir, rb_base_url and filemanager_path
  • [#MODX-2246] Added topmenu_show_descriptions system setting to be able to toggle the top menus description text
  • [#MODX-2375] Improved class key field in Resource panel to a dropdown, added modClassMap for easier querying of resource/element types
  • [#MODX-2391] Fixed issues with FC rules not being respected on resource/create with default values for new Resource
  • [#MODX-2382] Fixed dynamic width of fields in windows across ui
  • [#MODX-2383] Fix inability to update rank of TV's in template editor
  • [#MODX-2379] Fixed issue where permission checks were swapped in Resource context menu with regards to delete/undelete
  • [#MODX-2384] Fixed issue where treepanel still showed if all trees were hidden via permissions
  • [#MODX-2389] Fixed issue where setup options, license and readme displays were not cleared after installation of package
  • Fixed issue where loading mask shows up and never disappears on extended Resource types
  • [#MODX-2388] Fixed issue with save button and user settings
  • [#MODX-2387] Fixed issue with user settings not able to be added via mgr ui
  • Fixed bug that would reset provider for updated packages
  • Fixed issue with paging toolbar pageSize being interpreted as string rather than int
  • Fixed issue where parent id constraint was ignored for default template on new Resources
  • Added sanitization to REQUEST_URI for login controller
  • Updated version to 2.0.4-pl