- Prepared for rc1 release
- Fixed CSS compression copying in build.xml
- Fixed regClient*() functions to work again on cacheable scripts
- Move element source and include cache files outside of context cache directories since they should be cleared only when elements are updated
- Remove eval() from modScript and re-enable remote debugging of modScript instances by caching function as include in addition to source cache
- [#MODX-1759] Ensure manager log fires on top menu deletion
- [#MODX-1772] Ensure array of IDs is passed to OnBeforeEmptyTrash and OnEmptyTrash plugin events
- Added a welcome screen to show on first login to manager
- [#MODX-1738] Fixed issue with default value on radio TVs
- [#MODX-1741] Fixing inconsistent widths for radio options by making them list vertically rather than horizontally
- [#MODX-1769] Lexicon grid search now searches name and value
- [#MODX-877] Updated confusing text on TV access permissions tab
- [#MODX-1766] Fixed PHP_SAPI issue to properly work by setting a default value on setup to provide a default http_host value to properly populate the site_url
- Fixed bug in setup that didn't catch processors_path in prior configs
- [#MODX-1759] Fixed bugs with manager log not storing correct PK values, or displaying missing keys in grid
- [#MODX-1766] Fixed to work with non-httpd SAPI's
- Added title/info for the Reports->System Info->Database page. This is return fixed the CSS styling issue as well.
- Fixed CSS Styling on Recent Documents. 5px padding was removed.
- Fixed bugs with modMail class and default attributes that prevented attributes from persisting after a reset()
- Removing deprecated RTE handler code
- [#MODX-1762] Increased file uploader window size for translations
- Dont render unnecessary tabs in Resource TV panel if no TVs assigned to Template for that Resource
- Sort Template Variables on the Template editing page by name
- Ensure Element Properties that have HTML in them show markup instead of rendering the html in editing mode in mgr ui
- [#MODX-1669] Redid File Uploader in Directory tree to be more cross-browser compatible
- Cleaned up and enhanced login CSS
- Standardizing and adding class constants to modRest* classes
- Updated copyright data in lexicon entries
- Fixes to build.xml, css compression command
- Updated copyright dates
- [#MODX-1750] Lots of procedural and reference fixes to Lexicon grid UI
- Cleaned up presentation of modAction records in mgr
- Added a fix to tree refreshParentNode; enhanced modUserGroup::getUsersIn()
- Added saving mask to Element Property grid to fire when saving the property set
- Removed deprecated file reference in login template
- Added System Settings to toggle news/security feeds in welcome panel
- Added System Setting to toggle on automatic checking of package updates in Package Management
- [#MODX-1751] Fixed erroneous reference in friendly alias setting description
- [#MODX-1752] Fixed bug where topmenu items without children didnt show even if they had an action
- Some css tweaks to login page
- Updated to xPDO 2.0.0 r419 to fix xPDOVehicle bug
- Fixed bug with Download Output button in MODx.Console
- Ensure forgot login activation email is HTML
- Added Forgot Login link and form to manager, sends an activation email to specified email if user forgot login/password
- Fixed SQL sorting algorithm for package versions, added helper methods for comparing package versions
- Added $resource to properties passed to OnDocFormDelete in resource/delete processor
- Updated to xPDO 2.0.0 r417 ([#XPDO-40] Fixed getCount to work when passing a criteria with a class alias set)
- Enhanced striptags output filter to take a parameter of allowed tags
- Make sure $paths and $options are passed to OnCacheUpdate
- Added compression/concat references to login and browser tpls
- Fixed build.local.xml and build.xml scripts
- Added compress_css system setting for compressed CSS for releases, moved over modx-theme.css to templates css/ dir. Don't use compress_css without first running _build/build.local.xml Ant task.
- Cleaned up leftover PHP4 function definitions, unescaped SQL code, added proper accessor methods for private vars, other old code
- Fixed bug with modLexiconLanguage::clearCache
- [#MODX-1738] Fixed issue with FC TV rules not working as expected on Resource Update
- Fixed bug where plugin event properties were getting merged if more than one plugin was associated with the event
- Added loading mask to editing panels to prevent accidental editing before data is loaded
- Added sanity check for OnRichTextBrowserInit event processing
- Added fix for RTE loading in Resource panel, should fix most RTE saving bugs
- Added collapsibility to Document panel
- Added 'concat_js' system setting that will concat all the common JS files into one single file
- Adjusted lang.js.php to properly use ETag header to cache lang js
- Added css rule to prevent hidden iframes from being shown
- Fixed bug where Resource Groups were not editable on Create Resource
- Added sanity check for packages with missing provider
- Added "Updates Available" column to packages grid, auto-checks provider for updates
- [#MODX-1732] Added duplicate language ability to language grid
- [#MODX-1741] Fixed possible bug with radio/cb tv labels
- [#MODX-1593] Fixed bug where User could not be added with no role in User Groups tree
- [#MODX-1735] Properly URL encode link tags while still preserving = and & in query string
- [#MODX-1736] Fixed bug with assigning TVs to Resource Groups
- [#MODX-1740] Added workaround for SQL code to properly hide TVs with FC rules
- [#MODX-1738] Fixed bug with radiogroups and set TV default FC rule
- Fixed some header issues, _FILES content type handling
- [#MODX-1733] Fixed bug that was stripping tags from connector processing
- Ensured that Static Resource filename change fires dirty status
- Made sure Set to Default fires dirty status for Resource panel
- Fixed possible width stretching bug in TV panel in Resource edit view
- [#MODX-1543] Added "Rename Category" to category nodes in element subnodes in Element Tree
- [#MODX-933] Can now drag/drop Elements into Categories in the Element Tree to assign them to Categories
- [#MODX-1729] Fixed incorrect filter name to be more appropriate to function
- [#MODX-1727] Added missing Empty Cache checkbox to derivative resource panels
- [#MODX-1724] Fixed bug with output renders in TV panel not triggering panel dirty status
- [#MODX-1730] Fixed bug with $scriptProperties and login processor
- Some cleanups to MODExt flow and ID referencing
- Changed all GPC references in processors to $scriptProperties, which is loaded at entrance points to processors with GPC vars, pushing input handling to the connector
- [#MODX-1711] Fixed bug with strip output filter
- Added ellipsis output filter
- Fixed various event callings across JS implementation to properly modularize modext components
- Added events to user's groups grid to ensure dirty firing
- Added MODx.FormPanel::markDirty
- Added in CSS tweaks to accommodate Opera 10.5
- Fixed bug with users grid if access permissions tab is removed
- Fixed deprecated method definitions in modConnector classes
- Fixed text in language settings to more accurately reflect function
- Added area filter to Settings grid
- [#MODX-1721] Disabled unnecessary paging on System Events table
- [#MODX-1726] Added sanity check to ensure TV input type is properly set
- Fixed bug with action buttons and continue stay method
- Added UI for managing website field in modUserProfile
- Added website field to modUserProfile
- Removed unnecessary and problematic editor dropdown in chunk editing screen
- Sped up drag/drop of reordering in tree by now only framing moved nodes instead of refreshing
- Added modRequest::getParameters() method for retrieving various GPC variables or arrays of variables; automatically strips MODx GET parameters as necessary
- modRequest::__construct() now creates references to all GPC variables in modRequest::$parameters
- Modified modX::makeUrl()/modContext::makeUrl() to accept query string parameters as an array or string
- Added modX::toQueryString() static method to turn associative array into a valid query string
- [#MODX-1709] Fixed issue with encoding of action button parameter
- [#MODX-1554] Prevented uploading of files to files themselves in directory tree
- [#MODX-1700] Fixed issue with text referencing setting in lexicon entry
- Ensure tags in a Static Resource content are parsed before trying to load the source path
- Fixed static/weblink update js
- Removed unnecessary and redundant table prefix check later on in setup
- Fixed css/js properties in TV tab to let RTEs auto-determine the height of their TD fields
- Fixed missing permissions reference on resource controllers
- Added OnHandleRequest to modManagerRequest::handleRequest
- Properly hides UI elements for Resource buttons/pages if user doesnt have permissions
- Refactored modResource::cleanAlias() to allow various options, including built-in and custom transliteration capabilities
- [#MODX-717] Foreign characters (UTF8 data) needlessly removed from alias
- Hide top menu items if there are no submenus and if the topmenu is not clickable
- [#MODX-1690] Fixed text for confirmation dialog when removing an Element to include name and type of Element
- [#MODX-1707] Added mail_charset and mail_encoding system settings to control charset and encoding in emails
- [#MODX-1706] Ensure that text and qtip fields in Resource/Element trees have any tags stripped
- [#MODX-1699] Fixed bug in Quick Edit TV where it would erase the caption and replace it with the name
- [#MODX-1704] Fixed erroneous if statement in clear button hiding in error log panel
- [#MODX-1675] Added fix for windows paths on Edit File panel
- [#MODX-1681] Added checks for issue with importing lexicon in Webkit-based browsers
- Cleanups to TV input widths
- Removing core RTE; too much work, may take back up in a later version
- [#MODX-1697] Added ability to edit images and links in RTE
- Added more robust MODx.rte.Selection API
- Added missing changes to modActions needed to load lexicon entries for RTE
- [#MODX-1662] Fixed mismatch in menus widget field label
- [#MODX-1687] Fixed bugs in template package browser due to changes in modx.view.js
- Made resource panel be a fileUpload-able panel for plugins
- [#MODX-1357] Added richtext_default system setting
- [#MODX-1685] Added MODxEditor, a core Ext-based RTE to be the default RTE for Revolution
- [#MODX-1674] Stabilized MODx.Browser to work with core RTE
- - Added missing registry.db.modDbRegister* classes to setup
- [#MODX-1642] Logging out doesn't unlock resources: added modUser::removeLocks() and modified modUser::endSession() to call this method
- Added OnInitCulture event to core transport data.
- [#MODX-1672] Refactor collation/connection processors in setup to be more stable
- Updated xPDO to r414 for improvements in xPDOManager
- modInstall::writeConfig() uses new_file_permissions if specified or umask() settings by default
- Removed superfluous calls to xPDO/modX::setDebug() and xPDO/modX::setLogLevel() in modInstall
- modInstall::getConnection() now uses utf8_general_ci for charset/collation by default
- [#MODX-1691] Set Quick Create/Update windows to use anchor property rather than width to adjust for resizing
- Added 'cultureKey' setting to enable easier language translation in contexts/fe/components
- Fixes to styling for MODx.Browser window
- Added 'relativeUrl' parameter to MODx.Browser file data
- [#MODX-1674] Fixes and stabilization to MODx.Browser, specifically when used by RTEs
- Changing default editor from TinyMCE to blank value
- Fixed bug in setup where inplace setting was being forced to 1
- Cleaned up most processors, fixed wrong permission references, standardized code
- Fixed welcome panel to only show panels with permission to see
- Fixed error log view page to restrict viewing and clearing by permission
- Added descriptive information to Roles grid
- Lots of permissions fixes, other bugfixes and sanity checks to Element processors/controllers
- Added propertyset permissions
- Cleanups to Resource controllers, processors, optimizing of security permission checks
- Fixed various bugs with search page
- Fixed bug with adding policies that prevented partial regexp matches in name
- Fixed bugs when adding new policies or permissions that showed prior added perm/policy in form
- Properly secured and refactored recently edited resources grid
- [#MODX-1670] Adjusted permissions to allow restricted user to edit profile
- [#MODX-1667] Removed unnecessary opacity CSS rule in menus
- Fixed bug where page wasnt reloading on login in certain situations
- Make rightlogin div longer to support longer translations
- [#MODX-1653] Fixed issues with related objects, removal of aggregates, and other packaging bugs. Introduced xPDOTransport::UNINSTALL_OBJECT, which defaults to true. When off, it will prevent an object from being uninstalled.
- Updated xPDO to r413
- [#MODX-761] Fixed language issue in setup, now sets it correctly and loads proper lexicon for login screen
- Ensure console window appears above other windows
- [#MODX-1663] Added MODx.msg.status, which shows a fading status message on a successful save. This also solves the issue of user feedback.
- Removed unnecessary field from recently-edited-resource grid on welcome screen
- [#MODX-1660], [#MODX-1037] Revamped login screen to HTML/CSS, basic form processing to allow browsers to save password in their password management systems
- Revamped UI in new setup options, cleared up text, simplified presented options
- [#MODX-18] Allow editing of MODX_CONFIG_KEY in setup welcome view
- [#MODX-18] Prompt user for MODX_CORE_PATH if not found at beginning of setup
- [#MODX-760], [#MODX-1080], [#MODX-1528] Added setup option to set new_file_permissions and new_folder_permissions in welcome view
- [#MODX-760], [#MODX-1528] Removed new_file_permissions and new_folder_permissions system settings from setup
- [#MODX-760], [#MODX-1528] Updated xPDO 2.0 to revision 407: new file and folder permissions determined from umask()
- [#MODX-878] Stay buttons now action-specific, done through Ext state rather than PHP
- Redo logic order of modPackageBuilder::buildLexicon to ensure languages are packaged in before topics
- [#MODX-1647] Added width specification to force width of screen to prevent scrolling off of RTE TVs
- Cleaned up tvTitle Form Customization rule by moving code from JS to PHP
- Fixed z-index issue for windows due to IE fix
- [#MODX-732] Added z-index force to topmenu for IE, fixed rightlogin div on topbar for IE
- [#MODX-1641] Optimized and cleaned code dealing with Form Customization TV visibility and default values
- [#MODX-1658] Fixed bug where placing a menu item in a submenu would place it in top level
- [#MODX-1624] Enabled changing of text field in menu items
- [#MODX-1656], [#MODX-1654] Fixed CSS gap in install summary in setup
- [#MODX-1655] Fixed hardcoded lexicon strings in setup
- [#MODX-1621] Remove unnecessary context menu items from items in Resource Group Resources tree
- [#MODX-1627] Fixed incorrect menu in resource group tree resources when newly dragged
- [#MODX-1599] Added manager_date_format system setting for customizing date formats for the manager
- [#MODX-1651] Increasing width of setup navbar buttons to accommodate translations
- [#MODX-1649] Fixed bug where Quick Create didn't respect default_template setting
- [#MODX-1650] Fixed bug with language specification in setup to properly set cookie for Windows machines, and set initial language properly
- [#MODX-1626] Fixed bug where top menus could not have actions
- [#MODX-1494] Fixed issue where some settings dont have descriptions, and cleaned up deprecated settings
- [#MODX-1645] Fixed incorrect lexicon key for setting_site_start_err
- [#MODX-1646] Fixed issue where download buttons were staying grayed out if there was an error message
- [#MODX-1644] Added SMTP mail settings to default system settings to allow global SMTP usage for all modMail functions
- [#MODX-1606] Fixed bug in modRestCurlClient class due to encoded ampersand
- [#MODX-197] Refactored Action Buttons JS, added 'actionNew', 'actionContinue', and 'actionClose' events to MODx.FormPanel objects, ensured parent/context_key is persisted through add another resources
- Added a couple sanity checks to modRestCurlClient
- Added JS to disable install button when clicked in setup to prevent double-clicks
- controllers/resources/create: Refactored template inheritance to occur before any delegate controller is called.
- processors/resources/create: Moved OnBeforeDocFormSave event invocation until after POST vars are applied to $resource object.
- processors/resources/create: Refactored common code to be executed before any delegate processor is called.
- processors/resources/create: Refactored to respect add_children and new_document_in_root permissions.
- Added various access_denied lexicons to the resource topic.
- Added new_document_in_root permission to control access to creating Resources at the root level.
- Updated to xPDO 2.0 revision 406.
- [#MODX-1606] Added sanity checks and ID standardization to DOM nodes for Package Browser
- Fixed possible bug with ta-toggle div in resource panel
- [#MODX-1628] Fixed FC tvDefault rule by doing setting php-side
- [#MODX-1636] Added ability to assign Role to User when adding them to a User Group from the User Groups tree
- [#MODX-1634] Fixed bug with resource/resourcegroup/getlist processor that prevented showing of resource groups in new resource panels
- [#MODX-1639] Fixed bug where resource panel JS didnt check for existence of possibly hidden access permissions grid
- Fixed modUser::removeSessionContext() to call modUser::endSession() if no contexts are left
- Fixed modUser::endSession() to destroy all SESSION data and the session cookie
- Fixed bug in Plugin -> System Events tab caused by invalid function call in getlist processor
- Fixed problems with various deprecated functions to increase compatibility with Evo and avoid performance issues:
- * modX::getDocuments() and modX::getDocument()
- * modX::getAllChildren()
- * modX::getActiveChildren()
- * modX::getDocumentChildren()
- * modX::getDocumentChildrenTVars()
- * modX::getParent()
- * modX::getPageInfo()
- * modX::getUserInfo()
- Fixed modX::__construct() declaration to indicate it properly as a public method; added phpdoc comments.
- Fixed modX::sanitize() declaration to indicate it properly as a static method.
- Updated to xPDO 2.0 revision 405
- [#MODX-1614] Fixed issue with cached pages going to unauthorized_page instead of error_page when user does not have load permission
- [#MODX-411] Set system setting: emailsender to the admin email address during install
- [#MODX-1556] Show class and id for deleted resources or elements in Manager Action Log
- [#MODX-1552] Create New element Here shows for root elements but not those in categories
- [#MODX-1625] Fixed bugs with menu tree preventing creating child nodes of new items, restyled menu and action icons
- Added preventative to make sure packages are only downloaded once when in Package Browser
- [#MODX-1623] Fixed package installation error: attempting to preserve files fails with error message
- Updated to xPDO 2.0 revision 404
- Setup upgrades no longer preserve existing data/files on install
- Fixed issue with setup trying to write connector files regardless if files are already in place
- Updated to xPDO 2.0 revision 403
- Fixed bug where plugin properties were not being injected into the plugin event call
- [#MODX-1617] Fixed bug with tvDefaultValue Form Customization Rule
- [#MODX-1619] Added sanity check for modActionDom constraint check
- [#MODX-1620] Fixed missing or incorrect lexicon entries across ui
- [#MODX-1612] Fixed bug where Create Menu button was not working
- [#MODX-1616] Renamed "field" to "name" in Form Customization rule windows
- Removed any non-essential JS from the top menu items
- Added additional check and error logging for processor_path option in modX::executeProcessor().
- Added missing view_sysinfo permission to default Administrator policy
- [#MODX-1595] Fixed bug regarding hiding top menu items with permissions
- [#MODX-1596] Fixed bug related to creating a new top menu item
- Fixed issues related to usergroup panels and anonymous usergroup editing
- Fixed bug in template viewer for package browser that wasnt paginating right
- Added modRestServer for generic REST request handling
- Enable remote sorting and sorting by ID on Users grid
- Fixed and enhanced search field on Users grid
- Fixed bug with duplicating a context where only the first level would duplicate
- Updated to xPDO 2.0 revision 396
- Fixed bug where package version info wasnt being computed on download/scanlocal
- Added check for locked status on resources, now shows locked status in tree, as well as who is editing
- [#MODX-1592] Fixed bug with usergroup create by moving it to a window
- [#MODX-1590] Fixed missing processors for ACL grids
- [#MODX-1526] Added permissions resource_tree, element_tree, file_tree that restrict rendering/viewing of the left-side trees. Must be applied to access policies.
- [#MODX-625] Adjusted text in writable warning message
- [#MODX-1586] Fixed toolbar rendering bug in user settings due to hidden div, now using hideMode: offsets
- Added search for user box in usergroup users grid
- Changed User Group users grid to a non-local grid, now supports pagination and proper validation
- Enhanced UI for editing User Group Context/ResourceGroup ACLs
- [#MODX-1525] Added permissions field to modMenu to define policy permissions required to see Top Menu items
- Fixed bug in Packages grid to properly show provider name
- Added modRestResponse class, improved error handling for REST-based package management
- Added verification for Providers, now check to make sure they can connect before being added or updated
- Added Package View page to Package Management, allowing you to view more info about a package, view prior installed versions, and remove older package versions
- Fixed typo in setup script for PM changes
- Added version_major, version_minor, version_patch, release, and release_index fields to modTransportPackage tables to assist sorting and organization
- Fixed bug in transport schema
- [#MODX-1571] Fixed xtype in automatic_alias setting
- [#MODX-1572] Fixed deprecated error in PHPMailer service
- [#MODX-1512] Fixed bug with MODx.tree.Tree::refreshNode that caused a strange duplicate node error
- Updated xPDO to revision 392 to get new nested condition features
- [#MODX-1515] Fixed date picker CSS
- [#MODX-923] Added file path to configcheck message on welcome page
- [#MODX-1579] Added code to prevent invalid characters from being used in admin username/password in setup
- [#MODX-1575] Fixed bug with Resource Group getList processor
- Updated to xPDO 2.0 revision 389
- Added validation to modContext.key field; must be a valid PHP identifier without underscore characters
- Modified modError::checkValidation() to call modError::addField() for each validation message
- [#MODX-1562] Cleaned up Site Schedule grid to properly load baseParams during refresh and adjust pagination
- Cleaned up processor code, plugin invoking, access permission checks in processors
- [#MODX-1562] Fixed bug in Site Schedule data
- Fixed OnDocUnpublished and OnDocPublished calls in processors to pass modResource reference
- [#MODX-1564] Fixed bug causing combo values to get overridden if they were set before the combo store loaded
- Move element and resource prerender plugin events to after js registering to allow for proper event execution order
- [#MODX-986] Added "Duplicate Context" to Resource tree, as well as "Remove Context"
- Fixed bug with default provider on package management UI
- [#MODX-1540] Fixed last login display in Welcome page
- [#MODX-1567] Enabled sorting in Reports -> System Info -> Recently Edited Documents
- [#MODX-1522] Restricted user editing to just the save_user permission
- Added a "reload" button to the error log
- Fixed Active Resources on Reports - System Info
- Fixed database version query in Reports - System Info
- [#MODX-1560] Added a button to truncate manager log
- Added new browsing view for Templates in Package Management; thumbnail-based browsing.
- [#MODX-1534] Revamped file edit page to match other page structures
- [#MODX-1542] Added missing undelete permission to basic Resource policy
- [#MODX-1539] Added view_user permission to solve dropdown combo users bug that needed "edit_user"; view is more applicable there
- [#MODX-1553] Show current permissions in chmod window
- [#MODX-1539] Fixed a few bugs with the manager log page
- [#MODX-1530] Fixed permission reference in resource create/data
- [#MODX-1532] Fixed bug in permissions reference when trying to remove element from property set
- Fixed bug with login page and new controllers location
- Enhanced provider home page to allow links for newest/most downloaded packages
- Added sorting to Access Policy grid, cleaned up getList processors across site
- Fixed Manager Log page to properly display content, log the right class key, and now display the name of the object edited
- Enhanced Property Sets page to now allow you to edit specific implementations of Property Sets per element, as well as the default set
- Added "disabled" checkbox to Quick Update Plugin
- Fixed bug in modManagerResponse dealing with CMPs and templating paths
- Moved controllers/* files to controllers/default/ to allow for custom manager templating
- Fixed bugs with Property Sets not showing correctly in dropdowns
- Updated xPDO to revision 385 to fix cache_db functionality broken by PHP 5 only changes
- [#MODX-1514] Added css for pointer cursor to top menus
- [#MODX-1513] Added check for SimpleXML to installer
- Add sanity check to make sure languages arent erased on package uninstall
- Removed confirm dialog for remove action on Access Permissions grid
- Fixed panel layout for Access Policies, User Group editing
- Fixed E_STRICT warning on modX::getCacheManager() [method signature did not match xPDO::getCacheManager()]