- [#MODX-1029] Fixed incorrect URL references in browser controller template
- Updated version info for beta2 release
- [#MODX-942] Made sure all get-based processors use REQUEST, not POST
- [#MODX-937] Added 'Download Extras' button to package grid which loads provider
- login processor does not return site_url in response by default.
- modResponse->outputContent() allows programmatic options to configure max_parser_iterations.
- Updated xPDO to revision 341: package uninstall preserves and restores file resolver data
- Changed key shortcuts to always require ctrl+shift to prevent browser collisions
- Added in field for description key in modMenu windows
- [#MODX-931] Added isequal, isequalto, and notequalto as modifier aliases to default Output Filter
- Fixed issues with pagination on settings grids
- Fixed ENTER key issues on quick create/update windows
- Added &language option to lexicon tags.
- Added ability to load lexicon topics via tag: [[%key? &namespace=`mynamespace` &topic=`mytopic`]]
- [#MODX-910] Fixed issues with gte/lte/gt/lt output filters
- [#MODX-921] Added "isempty" as an alias of "ifempty" in output filters
- [#MODX-920] Fixed wordwrap output filter
- [#MODX-914] Added isnotempty and hide output filters
- [#MODX-913] Added isloggedin and isnotloggedin to output filters
- Upgraded ExtJS from 2.2 to 3.0
- [#MODX-925] Fixed issue where name couldnt be changed on duplicate resource window with resources with children
- [#MODX-911] Fixed dragability issue when assigning resources to resource groups
- [#MODX-901] System Settings grid search now searches descriptions
- Added 'afterLayout', 'loadKeyMap', and 'loadAccordion' events to MODx.Layout
- Fixed bugs with File TV input renders
- [#MODX-887] Properly standardized POST/REQUEST access methods for element processors
- Fixed issues with user emails being sent in plaintext with no linebreaks; now HTML-based for the time being
- Package Download tree now disables already downloaded packages.
- [#MODX-885] Fixed missing break statement in cat output filter
- [#MODX-844] Fixed ucfirst output filter, added ucwords output filter
- [#MODX-869] Added missing descriptions for certain menu items
- [#MODX-868] Fixed bug on settings grid where filter box was not firing on enter key
- Fixed bug where hidemenu was not persisting in Quick Update Resource
- Fixed bug with tree mask rendering before panel is rendered
- [#MODX-747] Fixed issues with access grids update windows
- [#MODX-803] Fixed DOM issues with TV mgr input property renders
- [#MODX-805] Fixed attribute issues with TV web output renders
- [#MODX-859] Changed login page loader box to say 'Loading...' instead of 'Saving...'
- [#MODX-860] Fixed z-index issues across manager
- Added a custom loadMask to MODx.tree.Tree objects to display when they're loading but not affect page focus
- Added a custom loadMask to the Package Management download tree to display while loading the remote provider payload
- Added in icon for package files
- Added fsockopen as a fallback for transport package if allow_url_fopen or cURL is not enabled
- [#MODX-856] Added cURL method of grabbing transport packages when allow_url_fopen is set to false
- Fixed bug in property update where list grid was not hiding if list xtype was previously selected but not now
- Fixed import properties where it was not properly handling descriptions
- Fixed bug where ExtJS couldnt handle text/json header responses with fileUpload set to true in form panels
- Fixed some DOM issues with Package Management
- [#MODX-833] Temporary fix for modManagerLog message showing up in console
- [#MODX-853] Changed source caption of view resource data
- [#MODX-809] Adjusted formatting of View Resource data fields
- Fixed bugs with Resource data page not loading fully, glitching tree
- [#MODX-772] Fixed bug where plugin events were not showing enabled if filtered by name
- Fixed user system event calls to pass proper arguments
- Fixed bug where you could only load 1 Quick window at a time
- Fixed bug with duplicate resource
- [#MODX-845] If no setup options are specified, package installation will automatically proceed
- Added parameter to the getNodes processor for resources/elements called 'stringLiterals' which, when true, does not encode the JS literals
- Layout can now be toggled between tabs (default) and portal panels via the setting 'manager_use_tabs'
- Nuked the Loading Box in MODExt
- Changed clearCache key shortcut to CTRL+U (CTRL+SHIFT+U for PC users)
- Fixed issue where folder resources couldnt be drag/dropped
- Added some key-events: CTRL+H for hiding accordion, CTRL+U for clearing cache, CTRL+N for Quick Create Resource (PC users will need to add SHIFT to all those calls)
- Fixed portal issues with Safari
- Added a few events to MODx. JS object, cleaned up code
- Added sanity checks to context/category create/update processors
- [#MODX-766] Added check to prevent settings starting with numbers
- Added ability to update plugin events and dynamically manage plugins associated with them by right-clicking on them in the Plugin Event grid
- Added 'beforeSubmit' listener to MODx.Window
- Adjusted TreeDrop code to allow for RTEs to utilize drag/drop features
- [#MODX-827] Fixed typo in resource container help string
- Added prevention fix to prevent dragging of non-elements/resources into content panes
- [#MODX-770] Fixed bug with creating Symlink
- Fixed issues with creating and editing a static resource
- Fixed bug with treedrop that set boolean values to string representations; changed to 1/0
- Fixed missing context menu item to remove new properties in a property set
- Added functionality for Element Tag Builder to use descriptions of properties
- [#MODX-817] Redid Clear Cache window to use MODx.Console
- Lexiconized missing "Copy to Clipboard" string
- Slight tweaks to MODx.Console to get messages to display final ending messages properly
- Changed invokeEvent missing event warning to debug msg to prevent it from logging in every console output
- [#MODX-818] Fixed issues with Quick Create where it didnt work in FF, missing lexicon strings
- Added Visual Element tag builder when you drag/drop an element into a field
- Resources/Elements can now be dragged from tree straight to Resource Content pane.
- Removed Spotlight effect on dialogs; was unnecessary.
- Fixed bug in Namespace creation window that was preventing namespace from creating
- Added refreshes to comboboxes in Lexicon Management to refresh combos on Namespace/Topic creation to keep panels up-to-date
- Fixed Safari issue with Element tree displaying funky on certain pages
- Fixed issue in Safari where combobox trigger was on left side
- Only set lexicon entries for context/user settings if they dont exist as system settings
- Fixed issue with Actions panel causing accordion DOM to bug
- Fixed issue with Quick Update not persisting class_key
- Fixed some issues with persistent settings for Quick Update Resource
- Fixed issue with Quick Update Resource content field being too long
- Fixed invalid lexicon entry reference for quick create resource
- Added Quick Create/Update Resource
- Preview context menu option now is "smart" and builds FURLs and separate context references
- Fixed invalid topic reference issue with modLexiconEntry::clearCache()
- Fixed headers for connector responses
- Added Quick Create/Update for all Element types
- Fixed bugs with category setting in Element processors
- Added Clear Cache checkbox option to all Element type forms
- Fixed bug with Category dropdown
- Fixed tv input properties forms from double-rendering
- [#MODX-804] TV fields now fire resource change event
- Fixed bug in Safari with TV fields being uneditable if panel is dragged
- [#MODX-745] Added 'cancel' button to go back to policy page when updating a policy
- [#MODX-573] Removed no-longer-applicable 'role' column from users grid, fixed capitalization issues in processors
- [#MODX-762] Added in missing lexicon entries to hardcoded strings
- Added modx.localization.js for i18n translations
- Added indexes on modLexiconEntry table
- Properly formatted lexicon strings still using sprintf
- Fixed bug where created was not set on transport package creation
- Made sure package grid paginates correctly if number of packages installed exceeds 20
- Fixed Last Modified On on Lexicon grid
- Optimized action, menu, language, content-type, lexicon, namespace processors
- [#MODX-765] Added fix to prevent creation of blank system settings
- Fixed bug in Safari with TV widget properties rendering
- Consolidated resource getNodes processor, added access policy checks
- Added sanity check to toJSON function in modConnectorResponse
- Properly refactor element tree to point to correct processor
- Added delegate processors for different modes in element tree
- Updated Context policy attributes for missing attributes
- Fixed invalid category reference on chunk update processor
- Added log error messages if save()/remove() fails on modElement derivatives
- [#MODX-771] Fixed invalid lexicon string reference in element tree
- Added WARN log message when executing a system event that doesn't exist
- Filled out missing access policy checks in element processors
- Fixed incorrect and missing permission check in snippet get/getList processors
- Fixed invalid lexicon reference in template processors
- Optimized templateTV getList processor to use only one query
- Optimized plugin event getList processor to use only one query
- [#MODX-194] Added sanity checks to element names
- [#MODX-792] Added check to prevent user from creating blank context, other sanity checks
- [#MODX-475] Prevented adding contexts with _ in name; will auto-strip
- [#MODX-796] Fixed check for valid passwords in setup
- Fixed problematic reference to $_lang
- Fixed improper log message reference in lexicon's reloadFromBase processor
- Additional access control defects and warning messages resolved for anonymous users.
- Fixed access control defect which prevented multiple policies from being respected per principal.
- Fixed issue with Policy Attributes not adding b/c id was not passed in
- Added 'save' event fire to Element/Resource formpanels
- Properly setup on*FormRender events for Element classes
- Added MODx.onSaveEditor check, which will fire on form save, that allows 3rd Party Components to execute JS code on Element/Resource saves
- Major refactoring to modx.actionbuttons, to render faster, as well as properly register events and button configs
- Allowed OnRichTextEditorRegister to return a string as well as an array
- Added MODx.releaseLock(id), which releases the lock on a Resource for a given ID
- Added MODx.sleep(ms), which sleeps the UI for a given number of milliseconds (useful in async calls)