- [#MODX-210] Changed no-longer-valid help text for resource panel
- [#MODX-216] Fixed bug with pub_date/unpub_date for the Resource panel
- [#MODX-213] manually entered passwords not being displayed after saving
- Added editability to packages grid
- [#MODX-205] Fixed category saving
- [#MODX-196] Fixed snippet category error in IE7
- Created modInstallError for base processing methods
- Added object support to modInstallJsonError
- [#MODX-201] Fixed bug with Category combo that prevented adding in a custom category
- [#MODX-200] Added colored Not Installed text to not installed packages
- [#MODX-70] Removed top buttons, as they are unnecessary and cause more problems than they are worth.
- [#MODX-174] Language setting in setup is not loaded.
- Note: renamed the language file to en.php to match the adopted IANA standard codes (see #MODX-187)
- [#MODX-26] Manager User creation problems
- Corrections to new user account email
- Added MODX_URL_SCHEME define and url_scheme configuration setting
- Added MODX_HTTP_HOST define and http_host configuration setting
- Changed "Modules" top menu to "Components" top menu. Component developers are encouraged to put their 3rd party menus in there.
- [#MODX-83] Radio Options not working in TV
- [#MODX-103] Fixed blank template change warning message.
- [#MODX-173] Language setting in manager pages is not loaded.
- Removed ucwords on getlist processor for lexicons.
- Fixed feed_modx_security/news keys in the build file.
- [#MODX-184] Fixed show in menu checkbox, should have been labeled "Hide Menu" since the opposite is true in the database. Changed to match DB column properties.
- [#MODX-190] Fixed bug with missing duplicate snippet error message
- Added check for existing name in snippet duplicate processor
- Updated build.src.url to branches/revolution
- Fixed import html/resources
- Fixed action pointer if version is incorrect