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Elfsight Yelp Reviews

Elfsight Yelp Reviews is an extra by elfsight, first released on 2019-05-21.

Package Description

## Introduction Elfsight Yelp Reviews is a widget, which allows you to demonstrate on the website reviews about your business shared on Yelp. Using Elfsight widget, you can use filters for concealing the unwanted reviews, reveal your star rating and number rating from Yelp, show information about the authors, and show a call-to-action button that will inspire visitors to publish one more review on Yelp. # Benefits Increase trust by showing true users’ reviews with info about the author - Advance purchases boasting your excellent rating and customer appreciation - Get fresh reviews through redirect button and links to your Yelp page ## Features Our Yelp Reviews Extra is extremely easy to install and it doesn’t require coding skills. Yet it’s reach in one-click-available features, which will help you in your business needs. - Embedding customer reviews from Yelp page - Three variants of filters: by type, exclude by, and quantity of reviews - 22 languages available - Four sorts of layout: List, Grid, Masonry, and Slider - Arrows and drags navigation controls in Slider layout - Setting slide speed and autoplay speed - Selecting pagination type in Slider layout - Adjustable width and height - An option to turn on/off the header of the widget - Switchable elements of the header: rating and pictures of reviewers - Editable widget title with adjustable font size and weight - Review request button to redirect on Yelp page - Two scenarios of review request denial: demonstrate a message or hide the form - An option to add text message after review request denial, with formatting options - Links supported in review request rejection message - 3 review templates: Classic, Bubble, Spotlight - 6 switchable elements of the reviews: author name and photo, recommendation, date, Yelp icon, and star rating - 3 review decoration types: Border, Background, None - 5 colorable elements of the interface: background, review text, links. Review request button, rating. - Changing review teхt font size ## The Yelp Reviews Extra is provided by Elfsight Apps Elfsight Apps is a cloud-based service that features apps to extend and diversify your website functionality (for instance, Instagram Feed, YouTube Gallery, Social Icons and others). This extra acts as a bridge between your site and Elfsight Apps Service, connecting the two together. It takes the widget you’ve configured at Elfsight Apps and displays it right on your website. If you don’t have an Elfsight Apps account, setting it up is totally free, and only takes you about a minute. ## Installation in 1-2-3 This extra is unbelievably easy to install. After downloading the extra zip, you need to install it on your website, create and configure a widget, and copy-paste its code into any page or your website template. ## Free installation service Our Support Team will be happy to install the extra for you, or to answer any questions that might come up. Contact us at apps@elfsight.com, and we’ll help with any issue!

Usage/Installation Instructions

Install via Package Management


First seen
Supported databases
Minimum MODX Requirement

Elfsight Yelp Reviews Releases

Vendor Signature Released on
MODX.com 1.0.0-pl 2019-05-21 (4 years ago)