Package Description
PHP Syntax highlighter for MODx Revolution. Fully working snippet unlike GeSHI Syntax highlighter 0.1.0-rc2.Usage:[[tgeshi? &source=`[[*content]]`]]For example PHP syntax highlighting can be like this (in Visual Editor):<pre class="php">$foo = 45;for ( $i = 1; $i < $foo; $i++ ){ echo "$foo\n"; --$foo;}</pre>To use the line numbers add class 'line_number':<pre class="php ln">$foo = 45;for ( $i = 1; $i < $foo; $i++ ){ echo "$foo\n"; --$foo;}</pre>
- GeSHI don't use the <code> tag.
- Warning! To get rid of <br /> to use TinyMCE plugin 'prelementfix' (included in this package).
Usage/Installation Instructions
The standard way to download and install this package.Open the template or output chunk of content. Enter the snippet call tGeSHi: [[tgeshi? &source=`[[*content]]`]]
The solution of the problem with the tag <br /> in TinyMCE:TinyMCE to not putting tags <br /> connect plugin preelementfix.To do this, edit the parameter tiny.custom_plugins, adding the preelementfix separated by commas.
For example: style,advimage,advlink,modxlink,searchreplace,print,contextmenu,paste,fullscreen,noneditable,nonbreaking,xhtmlxtras,visualchars,media,preelementfix
- Developer(s)
- alexei912
- Released
- 2012-11-29
- First seen
- 2012-11-18
- License
- GPLv2
- Supported databases
- MySQL SQL Server
- Minimum MODX Requirement
- 2.2
tGeSHi Releases
Vendor | Signature | Released on |
---|---|---| | 1.0-beta1 | 2012-11-29 (12 years ago) |