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SEO Tab - Now part of SEO Suite

SEO Tab - Now part of SEO Suite is an extra by sterc, first released on 2017-09-26.

Package Description

Important: At the moment SEOTab won't work with PHP7.2 due to an issue in MODX (2.6.1 and lower). The issue is addressed here: https://github.com/modxcms/xpdo/issues/135

MODX SEO Tab - The best way to perform in search engines

SEO Tab is a MODX Extra that helps you optimize your pages for the best possible performance in search engines, like Google.

Key features of SEO Tab

  • Manage search engine visibility (noindex, nofollow)
  • Manage internal search engine behavior
  • Manage your Google XML Sitemap(s)
  • Manage 301 redirects
  • Automatically generate 301 redirects when changing a resource URL
  • Freeze URL functionality is moved into the SEO-tab

Questions, contribute, bugs, feature requests

Contact Gauke Pieter Sietzema for questions on Slack, Twitter, LinkedIn or through email. SEO Tab is maintained in Github. You can contribute (code/translations), issue bugs and feature requests there.

Usage/Installation Instructions

Install this update via the menu Extras > Installer in the MODX manager. Clear your MODX cache, by clicking the menu Manage > Clear Cache. A new tab in your resource-edit panel will appear called 'SEO'.

First of all: ALWAYS MAKE A BACKUP BEFORE UPDATING! Especially the modx_site_content database table in this case.

Upgrading to 2.0.0 from 1.* is highly recommended, but it does introduce some risks. SEO Tab 1.* stored the 301 redirects into the properties-column of a resource. SEO Tab 2 stores it in a seperate database table. This means a migration is needed. The migration-process is memory-intensive and might take a very long time, so just let it roll until it mentions a finished migration.

Possible problems (and solutions):

  • Long migration-process because of many resources and redirects (think of 1000+ resource websites). Not really a problem, but if you have a big site, just plan your update at a low-traffic time, because redirects won't work 100% during the migration.
  • A blank page with a 500 error. This usually is because of memory issues. Try to re-run the migration with a lower limit and queryLimit. It is currently set to limit:1000 and queryLimit=100. Try setting it to 500 and 50 in core/components/stercseo/processors/mgr/redirect/migrate.class.php
  • If you somehow end up with an unfinished migration and the migration-notice is gone, you can fix it by setting the SystemSetting stercseo.migration_status to 0.


First seen
Supported databases
Minimum MODX Requirement

SEO Tab - Now part of SEO Suite Releases

Vendor Signature Released on
MODX.com 2.2.3-pl 2020-12-15 (4 years ago)
MODX.com 2.2.0-pl 2019-03-11 (6 years ago)
MODX.com 2.1.0-pl 2018-06-19 (6 years ago)
MODX.com 2.0.4-pl 2017-09-26 (7 years ago)

We've also seen 21 unverified versions of SEO Tab - Now part of SEO Suite in use, but don't list those as we've been unable of confirming they are official releases from an official source.