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onvico is an extra by oevermann, first released on 2020-02-28.

Package Description

**onvico video consulting & live chat** Extension is currently only available in German **Overview** onvico allows you to provide advanced online customer service via a video consulting and live chat function on your website or web shop. This service helps you to improve customer experiences, to increase sales and to enhance trust in your company. onvico provides several helpful features like screen sharing, secure data exchange, the possibility to preserve evidence if needed as well as detailed statistics. The application can easily be integrated in your company’s website. To use the video consulting and live chat your customers won’t need to install anything nor have to register. onvico is technically and visually customizable and works equally well on computers, smartphones and tablets. onvico is designed by OEVERMANN Networks GmbH. The full service digital agency is specialized on innovative and secure e-business solutions for more than 25 years. Due to ISO/IEC 27001 certification, server locations exclusively in Germany and high safety standards, all data transfers via onvico are encrypted and serve the requirements of German data protection law. Therefore, onvico can be deployed in banking and finance as well as in other applications with highly sensitive data. For further information please read https://www.oevermann.de/live-chat-video-support-software-onvico.aspx (only in German) **Functions**

  • Consulting via video or chat
  • Flexible usage by PC, smartphone, tablet without download/registration
  • Consultation live or via appointment (including set up of notification in own calendar)
  • Screen sharing to look at documents, websites together
  • Encrypted, data protection compliant data transfer (ISO/IEC 27001 certificate) with integrated virus check
  • Fully customizable chat (corporate design)
  • Automatic messages (chat)
  • Queue and callback service
  • Management of call groups including routing rules and individual service hours for call group
  • Easy integration into your website/web shop
  • Easy to use by consultants and end users
  • No installation needed to start the video chat
  • User management via a role based model of access
  • Storage of conversations possible as an evidence protection measure
  • High security by ISO/IEC 27001 certification, encryption and servers located in Germany
  • onvico is currently supported in German only
**Account & pricing** OEVERMANN Networks will set up a unique onvico instance for each customer (including strictly separate data storage). The billing is tied to a license model, which is based on the number of consultant accounts. More information to the pricing system as well as the order form to get your onvico instance is available at: https://www.oevermann.de/onvico-bestellformular.aspx (only in German) **onvico is of interest to**
  • E-commerce
  • Automotive industry
  • Banks and financial service providers
  • Insurances
  • Doctors, patient counseling, nursing services
  • Lawyers
  • Recruitment
  • Market research

Usage/Installation Instructions

For embedding, include in the -section of your page. Required parameters are:

  • onvico_endpoint
  • onvico_js_src
Further details can be found in the Chunk description. Currently only German is supported. You will need to buy your own licence on https://www.oevermann.de/onvico-bestellformular.aspx


First seen
Supported databases
MySQL SQL Server
Minimum MODX Requirement

onvico Releases

Vendor Signature Released on
MODX.com 1.0-beta1 2020-03-05 (5 years ago)
MODX.com 1.0.0-pl 2020-02-27 (5 years ago)