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noembed is an extra by matdave, first released on 2023-12-27.

Package Description

Use this as a snippet or output modifier to quickly turn links into embeds. ### Supported sites - Amazon - iTunes Movie Trailers - Ars Technica - ASCII Art Farts - Bash.org - Beer Advocate - Clickhole - Duffel Blog - Facebook - GiantBomb - Gist - Github Commit - Gfycat - GlobalGiving - iHeartRadio - IMDB - Muki - Monoprice - Nooledge - Spotify - TED - The Onion - TrailerAddict - Twitlonger - Twitter - Urban Dictionary - Vice - Vimeo - Vine - Wikipedia - XKCD - YouTube ### Existing oEmbed Sites - Audiomack - Clyp - Flickr - Funny or Die - Hulu - Qik - Rdio - SlideShare - SoundCloud - Spreaker - Viddler - App.Net ### Image Sites - CloudApp - Dropbox - Imgur - Imgur - Instagram - Lockerz - Path - Picplz - Skitch - Twitpic - Twitter - YFrog

Usage/Installation Instructions

# noembed Snippet / Output Modifier The noembed Snippet / Output Modifier can be used as an output modifier for placeholders or as a stand alone snippet with provided &link ``` [[noembed?link=`http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDOYN-6gdRE`]] ``` Or ``` [[+video:noembed]] ``` By default noembed just outputs an iframe of your video, but you can customize it further by passing either ```&tpl=`yourtpl` ``` or by passing a tpl name to the output modifier's options ``` [[+video:noembed=`yourtpl`]] ``` The tpl will give you the following placeholders: **TPL Placeholders** [[+width]] - (int) Width of the returned resource [[+author_name]] - The name of the author/owner of the resource. [[+author_url]] - A URL for the author/owner of the resource. [[+version]] - The noembed version number. [[+provider_url]] - The url of the resource provider. [[+provider_name]] - The name of the resource provider. [[+thumbnail_width]] - (int) Thumbnail width [[+thumbnail_url]] - URL to default thumbnail [[+height]] - (int) Height of the returned resource [[+thumbnail_height]] - (int) Thumbnail height [[+html]] - Resource iframe embed _(default output)_ [[+url]] - URL to the resource _(default output if no html)_ [[+type]] - The resource type (photo, video, link, rich) [[+title]] - A text title, describing the resource To learn more about noembed visit [https://noembed.com/](https://noembed.com/)


First seen
Supported databases
Minimum MODX Requirement

noembed Releases

Vendor Signature Released on
MODX.com 1.1.1-pl 2023-12-27 (1 year ago)
MODX.com 1.1.0-pl 2022-10-14 (2 years ago)
MODX.com 1.0.0-pl 2018-05-31 (6 years ago)