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modAjaxify a simple ajax page loader

modAjaxify a simple ajax page loader is an extra by halvid, first released on 2018-03-16.

Package Description

What it does:

  • Any link within a designated container (default is body) will function as an ajax link.

  • It can load the content of the links in different containers with simple html annotation (eg. any link with the property context will load the content in the container with id as provided through this property)

  • It preloads images before rendering the content

  • It provides callbacks for custom renderer

  • It provides callbacks for custom loaders

  • Supports ajax submit for forms

  • Supports different menus by placing the ‘active’ class in the clicked menu option

  • Supports callbacks for handling preloading when a page url is called directly (not through ajax)

  • Supports retina images preload for boosting performance

  • Supports image lazy loading, using separate tiny images as preloaders 

  • Build in Google Analytics support

  • The MODX plugin makes sure that will output only the necessary content of the page striping out everything else. This technique boosts the performance of the website.

Usage/Installation Instructions

This Extra can be started with zero configuration just by placing the [[$ajaxifyInit]] in the head of the template.

The chunk contains also a demo spinner as a loading alert.

For information visit (this page is also an example of usage):


For any bugs please report at info[at]sofar.gr






The Extra comes with an init chunk so you don’t have to worry about the dependencies. The chunk makes a jquery check to avoid any conflicts. We strongly recommend to check  the depended js libraries which are included by the chunk in case the create some kind of conflict with your code.


First seen
Supported databases
Minimum MODX Requirement

modAjaxify a simple ajax page loader Releases

Vendor Signature Released on
MODX.com 1.3.7-beta 2018-03-16 (7 years ago)
MODX.com 1.3.6-beta1 2016-12-29 (8 years ago)

We've also seen 1 unverified versions of modAjaxify a simple ajax page loader in use, but don't list those as we've been unable of confirming they are official releases from an official source.