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Google Maps

Google Maps is an extra by elfsight, first released on 2017-10-05.

Package Description

Complete Features List

  • Allows to set up an unlimited number of location markers;
  • Allows to set up a unique marker for each location;
  • Allows you to choose from 20+ predefined location markers, or set up an unlimited number of custom markers;
  • Info window complete with all the information you need to display – your address, website link, email, phone number and working hours;
  • The easiest ever mechanism of calculating and displaying directions;
  • 3 predefined marker animation types;
  • Customizable and mobile-responsive map size;
  • Allows to calculate the center of your map automatically, or set it manually;
  • Customizable zoom;
  • 4 predefined map types to give your map the exact look you need;
  • 4 predefined map layers;
  • Easy-to-use controls;
  • 4 predefined color schemes and the option of setting your own custom colors.

The ModX Google Map extra is provided by Elfsight Apps 

Elfsight Apps is a cloud-based service that features apps to boost your website's functionality with the user-friendly UI and no-coding skill required. This app is a bridge between your ModX site and Elfsight Apps Service, connecting the two together. It takes the widget you've configured at Elfsight Apps and displays it right on your website. 

If you don't have an Elfsight Apps account, you can sign up for free and it only takes you about a minute.

Still haven’t checked our widgets live? See more ModX plugins by Elfsight for your website.

Free installation service

Our friendly and professional Support Team will be happy to install the module for you, and to answer any questions you have. Just contact us at apps@elfsight.com and we’ll take care of everything!

Usage/Installation Instructions

Install via Package Management.


First seen
Supported databases
Minimum MODX Requirement

Google Maps Releases

Vendor Signature Released on
MODX.com 1.0-pl 2017-10-05 (7 years ago)