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Google Drive Media Source

Google Drive Media Source is an extra by markh, first released on 2023-08-09.

Package Description

Use Google Drive as your assets store, and incorporate your media and documents into MODX seamlessly. Create, update, rename, remove, download, and export from MODX. Read the release announcement on the modmore blog for an introduction of its capabilities ยป Once configured with a friendly URL proxy (very strongly required), the Google Drive Media Source is compatible with most media-source enabled MODX features and extras, including PHPThumb, MoreGallery, ContentBlocks, Redactor, Image+, and others. If you experience any compatibility issues, please do report those on GitHub. This extra was developed by modmore for Catch Media. Google Drive Media Source requires MODX 3.0+ and PHP 8.0+. Paid support is available.

Usage/Installation Instructions

Full usage instructions, including the setup process, can be found in the documentation. It is very strongly recommended to set up the friendly url proxy as described, to ensure maximum compatibility.


First seen
Supported databases
Minimum MODX Requirement

Google Drive Media Source Releases

Vendor Signature Released on
MODX.com 1.0.1-pl 2023-08-09 (1 year ago)
MODX.com 1.0.0-pl 2023-02-08 (2 years ago)

We've also seen 7 unverified versions of Google Drive Media Source in use, but don't list those as we've been unable of confirming they are official releases from an official source.