• MODX.com



fontAwesome is an extra by sepiariver, first released on 2013-08-03.

Package Description

Initial beta release.

Usage/Installation Instructions

----------------------------USAGE---------------------------- This package installs all the Font-Awesome assets to {assets_path}components/fontAwesome/. It also creates three helper elements: 1. Plugin: faRegisterDefaultRegisters the minified font-awesome.min.css file in the head element onLoadWebDocument, so that no additional setup is required. Just start using Font-Awesome icons on your site!

2. Snippet: faRegister <code>[[faRegister?min=`1`]]</code>You can disable the plugin and instead use this Snippet in the Template(s) of your choice. Available properties are:&css => boolean (default = '1') : Registers the Font-Awesome CSS file.&ie7 => boolean (default = '0') : Registers the Font-Awesome ie7 CSS file wrapped in an ie7 conditional comment.&min => boolean (default = '0') : Switches the above CSS files for their minified counterparts.

3. Chunk: faIconThe chunk accepts multiple properties as shorthand for many of the Font-Awesome classes:&i => Font-Awesome icon class, without the "icon-" prefix. <code>[[$faIcon?i=`twitter`]]</code>&c => Arbitrary classes. <code>[[$faIcon?c=`custom classes`]]</code>&s => Font-Awesome 'size' classes, without the "icon-" prefix. <code>[[$faIcon?s=`large`]]</code>&a => Arbitrary Font-Awesome classes, without the "icon-" prefix. <code>[[$faIcon?a=`border`]]</code>&p => Font-Awesome 'pull' classes, without the "pull-" prefix. <code>[[$faIcon?p=`left`]]</code>&r => Font-Awesome 'rotate' classes, without the "icon-rotate-" prefix. <code>[[$faIcon?r=`180`]]</code>&f => Font-Awesome 'flip' classes, without the "icon-flip-" prefix. <code>[[$faIcon?f=`horizontal`]]</code>&text => Text to insert between the <i> element tags. <code>[[$faIcon?text=`Follow Us!`]]</code>&stackbase => boolean (default = '0') Set to '1' to enable Font-Awesome 'icon-stack' mode. <code>[[$faIcon?stackbase=`1` &i=`check-empty`]]</code>&top => Font-Awesome icon class to use for the top icon in 'stacked' mode. <code>[[$faIcon?stackbase=`1` &i=`check-empty` &top=`twitter`]]</code>&topc => Arbitrary classes to assign to the top icon in 'stacked' mode. <code>[[$faIcon?stackbase=`1` &i=`check-empty` &top=`twitter` &topc=`icon-flip-horizontal`]]</code>&toptext => Text to insert between the <i> element tags of the top icon in 'stacked' mode. <code>[[$faIcon?stackbase=`1` &i=`check-empty` &top=`twitter` &toptext=`Follow Us!`]]</code>

All these helper elements are optional. Font-Awesome is *really* easy to install and use. This just makes it that much easier. Check out the Font-Awesome website for documentation and usage: http://fontawesome.io/


First seen
Supported databases
Minimum MODX Requirement

fontAwesome Releases

Vendor Signature Released on
MODX.com 1.0.0-beta1 2013-08-03 (11 years ago)