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FileDir is an extra by valikras, first released on 2013-10-10.

Package Description

It is easy to display any type of files from a directory, filtering on the output type.

You can create a photo gallery or video, file archives.

Output from getPage with pagination

The source code - - http://github.com/artdevue/FileDir

Issues - http://github.com/artdevue/FileDir/issues

Usage/Installation Instructions


&dir - path to the file folder by default - 'assets /'

&tpl - inner Tpl chunk, by default - 'tplFileDir'

Available placeholders:

[[+file]] - path to the file

[[+fname]] - the name of the file

[[+fdclass]] — class name depends on the file extension

[[+size]] - the file size

[[+fidx]] - the number of order

[[+date]] - creation date file

&tplOut - outer Tpl chunk, by default - 'tplFileDirOut'

Available placeholders:

[[+res_filedir]] - Required, do not delete!

[[+ftotal]] - The total number of files

&limit - maximum number of output files

&fcache - to enable the cache (false/true), the default - 'false'

&cachetime - the time of caching, default '0 ', to clear the cache

&filetip - types of output files (comma), by default - 'jpg,png,gif'

&sort - Enable or disable sorting (true or false, default - false)

&sortDir - sort direction (DESC or ASC, default - ASC)

&sortBy - name to sort (possibly: fname,file,fsize,date)

&class — prefix for the style in the template tpl, by default - 'fd', ie if the file

           format is jpg, then placeholder [[+ fdclass]] in the template tpl bulet

           output - fd_jpg. If we are in the carts snippets Specify & class = ``,

           then displays the placeholder in the class extension - jpg.

Example snippet call:

[[!filedir? &dir = `assets/images/[[*id]]/`]]

[[!filedir? &dir = `assets/images/61/` &fcache =`true`]]

An example of a template for the gallery

< div >

  < a href="[[+file]]" title="[[+fname]]" >

    < img src="[[+file:rezimgcrop=`r-150x,c-150x75`]]" alt="[[+fname]]" >

  < /a>

< /div >

An example of a template for the file archive

< div >

File: [[+fname]]

Size: [[+size]]

< a href="[[+file]]">Download< / a >

< /div >

You can use c expansion FileUpload



     & uploadfields=`20`

     & uploadgroups=`Administrator, Editors, Subadmins`

     & path=`assets/images/[[*id]]`



First seen
Supported databases
Minimum MODX Requirement

FileDir Releases

Vendor Signature Released on
MODX.com 1.1.0-rc1 2013-10-10 (11 years ago)

We've also seen 1 unverified versions of FileDir in use, but don't list those as we've been unable of confirming they are official releases from an official source.