• MODX.com


Facebook Share Button

Facebook Share Button is an extra by elfsight, first released on 2017-10-06.

Package Description

Key Features:

  • The option of installing unlimited number of Buttons to your website
  • Installation to current page – add the Button to a page to have your customers Like it on Facebook
  • Installation to Custom URL – set the URL of the page you want your visitors to Like, and install the button to any page, to make it more convenient
  • 3 predefined button layouts
  • 2 predefined sizes
  • A choice of displaying the Button on mobile or turning it off
  • The Button is already optimized for mobile devices – no extra actions are required to make it look good on your phone or tablet
  • Mobile iFrame Dialog – the option of opening the Share dialogue in a new tab or in popup on mobile devices

The MODx Facebook Like Button extra is provided by Elfsight Apps

Elfsight Apps is a cloud-based service that features apps to boost your website's functionality with the user-friendly UI and no-coding skill required.

This app is a bridge between your MODx site and Elfsight Apps Service, connecting the two together. It takes the widget you've configured at Elfsight Apps and displays it right on your website.

If you don't have an Elfsight Apps account, you can sign up for free and it only takes you about a minute.

Still haven’t checked our widgets live? See more ModX plugins by Elfsight for your website.

Free installation service

There should be nothing easier than installing this amazing extra! However, things happen, and we know that well. Should you have any questions during installation or later, you’re welcome to drop us a line at apps@elfsight.com. Our Support Team is always there for you!

Usage/Installation Instructions

Initial via Package Management.


First seen
Supported databases
Minimum MODX Requirement

Facebook Share Button Releases

Vendor Signature Released on
MODX.com 1.0-pl 2017-10-06 (7 years ago)