• MODX.com



Domaineer is an extra by markh, first released on 2011-12-29.

Package Description

Domaineer was developed to provide a way to easily manage domain-specific settings and placeholders. This means that if you have one context that can be accessed from a number of (sub)domains, and each different "point of entry" requires for example a different logo, site name or other non-resource, non-context and non-user related setting.

So basicly, you can set a different [ [ + + site_name ] ] placeholder (or any) per domain that accesses your context.

Usage/Installation Instructions

  • First of all, install the package via the Package Manager or using a manual installation.
  • Next, find the plugin in Elements > Plugins and click it.
  • Open the Properties tab.
  • Unlock the default properties using the button that says "Default properties are locked".
  • From there you can set element properties. These need to have a key that corresponds with the lowercase domainname, without http:// and www. if it uses it. This could also be a subdomain. The value of the property needs to be a JSON encoded array. See below for examples and more advanced usage.
  • Now save the plugin and visit your site with the settings or placeholders to see the effect. If you are not seeing any result, add a "debug" property. It will then post information to the MODX error log.


First seen
Supported databases
Minimum MODX Requirement

Domaineer Releases

Vendor Signature Released on
MODX.com 1.0.1-pl 2011-12-29 (13 years ago)