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ChurchEventsCalendar is an extra by jgulledge19, first released on 2011-01-31.

Package Description

ChurchEvents is a package that is for MODx Revolution and it is a calendar that is designed specifically for churches.


To call the snippit place [[!churchevents ]] in a chunk or resource. Or just create a new resource and select the ChurchEvents template. You must be logged into the manager to manage events, calendars and categories.


  • Multiple calendar views
  • Global categories, you can choose colors to identify each category
  • Repeating events, daily, weekly, monthly and about any combination of those.
  • Allow event requests/notification

Changelog for ChurchEvents


ChurchEvents 0.3 beta2 ===============

  • Minor URL fix if you are not using FURLs
  • Minor fix for time displaying correctly on calendar view.

ChurchEvents 0.3 beta ===============

  • Minor Windows OS bug fix for PHP 5.2.*
  • JS calendar now starts on Sunday.
  • Private events now show as Reserved for those not logged in
  • Allow to edit a single instance of a repeating event 
  • Added the makeUrl scheme option ex: [[!churchevents? &scheme=`full` ]]

ChurchEvents 0.2 beta2 ===============

  • Bug fixed for All day and none repeating events storing in the DB correctly.
  • Fixed repeating event error for months
  • Fixed request event bug

Usage/Installation Instructions

    To call the snippit place [[!churchevents ]] in a chunk or resource.  Or just create a new resource and select the ChurchEvents template. You must be logged into the manager to manage events, calendars and categories. Options: [[!churchevents? &scheme=`full` ]], currently scheme is the only option.  It uses the same values as makeUrl.


First seen
Supported databases
Minimum MODX Requirement

ChurchEventsCalendar Releases

Vendor Signature Released on
MODX.com 1.1.2-pl 2012-04-17 (12 years ago)
MODX.com 0.3-beta2 2011-01-31 (14 years ago)

We've also seen 3 unverified versions of ChurchEventsCalendar in use, but don't list those as we've been unable of confirming they are official releases from an official source.